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Safety Norms & Process For Re-Opening


As Covid-19 days continue, we have devised a re-opening process, keeping safety as our top priority. These guidelines have been laid out & shared by health organizations & the Maharashtra Govt. safety directives for Fitness Centres.

Proposed Process

  • The Gym & Pilates Hub will operate on a Personal Training prior booking basis only.
  • Body Art Fitness Centre users can make bookings by contacting the Body Art PT co-ordinators via Whatsapp/ SMS on:-
    Niyati - +91 82 917 83901
    Sonal - +91 82 917 83635
  • It is Mandatory for users wanting to use the Fitness Centre to first fill the Fitness Centre Declaration Form for Usage with the acknowledgement that all Govt. & Fitness Centre guidelines will be followed. * It is attached at the end of this document. Do print it out, fill in date, full name & sign in advance, as it will be required as soon as you enter the Fitness Centre for our records. Failing this, a copy of the same can be collected from the Fitness Centre itself, filled out there & then and submitted to the Body Art staff at the time of rejoining.
  • Valet Parking is available to you on all days of the week. You will be required to hand over the keys to our valet. Valet parking is at the member’s own risk.
  • Users will be checked at entry point by the Body Art Trainer by Temperature Gun & Pulse Oxy-meter. If the readings are not within the set parameters, the user will not be permitted inside the Fitness Centre.
  • Users above 65 yrs, those with Co-morbidities, Pregnant Women and Children below 14 yrs will not be permitted inside Fitness Centre.
  • Those who have family members that they are residing with, that have tested Covid 19 positive, will not be permitted into the Fitness Centre.
  • Those with year round chronic symptoms of cough, cold, hay-fever, etc will not be allowed inside the Body Art Fitness Centre.
  • For everyone’s safety, the maximum number of people allowed at any time in any Studio is 3 - The Member, the Trainer & the Housecleaning Staffer.
  • In the safety & best interest of all concerned, our Trainers & Staffers have all been tested for Covid 19 & are Negative. For your comfort, security & peace of mind, you will see that their reports are up on display in the Marine Drive Centre.
  • Personal Training Time slots will be provided for 45 minutes at a time on a prior booking basis via the numbers mentioned (in point no. 2 above). All high contact surfaces will be sanitized in between sessions. Users are requested to cooperate with these timelines to ensure that the Fitness Centre can be appropriately sanitized and made ready for the next time slot.
  • Payments for new terms can be made on a monthly basis.
  • Payment mode can be made via Bank Transfer- NEFT, IMPRS or by other cashless/ contactless means, in order to keep things safe for all concerned at this time.

    Payment Details:- NEFT / IMPS Bank Transfer (details below):-
    Name : Nawaz Gautam Singhania
    Current Account No. : 23105135962
    NEFT / IMPS IFSC Code : SCBLOO36001
    Bank Name : Standard Chartered Bank
    Branch : 90, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001

  • Disposable Mask and Gloves will be provided for one time use at the Fitness Centre counter. It is mandatory to wear a mask at all times while in the Fitness Centre. Surgical masks, single ply cloth masks, or multi ply cloth masks can all be used. Users are requested to check with their medical advisors if they can safely exercise while wearing a mask.
  • Every equipment will be sanitized post use, before being used by the next member.
  • While Body Art Trainers will be instructing members with their exercises, it will be at a minimum of a 6 ft distance with regard to observing safety norms.
  • No drinking water will be provided in the Fitness Centre. Users are requested to get their own filled water bottles till further notice.
  • Lockers will not be available for use at this time.
  • The air-conditioning will be kept off with the windows open in the month of February while it is cooler. Post that, March on, it will be set at a temperature of 24 - 30 degrees Celsius as per the Government guidelines.
  • Those users who have come out of Covid-19, must avail of a zoom consultancy with Nawaz Modi Singhania for a one-on-one consultation upon their recovery and before rejoining their workouts.  This would be very important as the need to assess, understand & take stock of your condition, seek clarity on the severity of the virus attack, assess the current state of recovery, side effects you may be battling even post Covid, and therefore chart out a safe workout plan going forward, & explain how this would look, would all be very important. Nawaz would then instruct the Body Art Trainers who will then assist the users in their workout.
  • No changing and shower facilities will be available to use inside the Fitness Centre.
  • Washrooms/ Restrooms should be avoided, in your own best interest. However, they are available if the need arises. You will be using the same at your own risk.
  • Users  are requested to change into their gym shoes, before getting on to the gym floor. Washing your hands / sanitizing subsequent to this before the session starts is strongly suggested.
  • ID Cards will not be handed out to Members at this time to further avoid occasion of transmission. Body Art maintains records on every member’s term details, should you seek any information during your term.
  • All the above points serve in addition to the currently applicable Maharashtra Gym & Fitness Centre Guidelines.
  • Thank you for your understanding & co-operation in order to help us to help you stay safe, healthy & fit!