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By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Are you a hapless victim of your physical state?

Have you been huffing & puffing away endlessly on that old stationary cycle for hours on end with little or no result?

Have you been doing an obscene number of stomach crunches everyday only to see your waistline expanding?

Have you been starving yourself to the point of dizzy spells & intense weakness to note no fat loss?

When embarking on a fitness programme, here are some of the most common mistakes people tend to make which end up being counterproductive!

Here are some tips which will help you work smarter, not harder!

  • If your main goal is fat & inch loss, exercise cardiovascularly for at least 35- 40 minutes to begin with. Activities such as walking, aerobics, swimming, jogging, rope jumping, stair climbing, hiking, or even a racket game are all considered cardiovascular. The thing to remember here is that the body is so designed, that during the first 20 minutes of your workout, it does not use fat for fuel. It's only thereafter, that fats are utilized.
  • If fat loss is the goal, make sure our workout is continuous. If you get too fagged out, then slow down to an on-the-spot march, but don't stop. When you stop & start, firstly, the body doesn't continue burning fat. Instead, it dips into other energy stores like glycogen or quick energy. Secondly, this can easily lead to injuries such as a pulled muscle, Achilles tendinitis or a knee injury, among others.
  • Make sure that for fat loss you're working in what is referred to as a target heart rate zone. In other words, make sure that you are working out at a moderate level of intensity. If your intensity is too low, you're not burning fat. The same applies if you're working out too hard; in that case you might be utilizing phosphagen systems, burning quick energy or glycogen, all of which are great on the health & fitness front, but do zip for all that fat! There are various methods by which this can be done. Some of them are the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale, the Talk Test, The VO2 Max, the Karvonen formula, etc. Speak to a fitness professional to find out more about these, & to figure out which is best for you.
  • One of the most common errors people make, is that when they have a problem area such as the stomach or hips & thighs, they tend to spot work it to death! Bad mistake! The misconception here is that people imagine that spot work is spot reduction. It is not. When you work a particular area, you can work on muscle tone & even reshaping the group, but you cannot reduce the surface area of it. The area tends to bulk up as you're working on developing it, and makes it appear larger & more apparent. Instead, make sure that you spot work the area only moderately, & combine this with any aerobic activity as described above, so that you burn fat off from these areas instead. Its also a good idea, to then work other body parts such as the upper body & calves, so that the development of these areas make you seem more proportionate in relation to your problem areas.
  • Remember that no matter how hard & how often you workout, what your doing on the fat loss front, is burning off & utilizing a lot in terms of fat calories. This is going to go straight down the garbage chute, if you're going to go back home & three times a day or more, pack it all back in! This does not by a long shot mean that you should starve or be on a stringent diet. It's not the quantity of food you consume that requires focus, as much as the quality. It's so utterly pointless & frustrating getting into a vicious cycle of burning & bingeing. I'd strongly suggest you stop kidding yourself & embark on a fat loss programme only once you've truly decided to commit to it. Don't bother fooling yourself, wasting your time, effort & money before this.
  • The most effective & awesome workout can be just that only for a limited time period! The body very quickly adjusts to the demands & pressures of a routine, & gets immune to the same, thereafter producing no result after the initial spate of results. In order to see continuous results, it's important that one variates their routines, taking on different activities constantly. This is known as Cross Training. Cross training can include all sorts of cardio, strength & flexibility training such as weight training, jogging, walking, playing a racket game, ski-ing, swimming, stair climbing, rope jumping, etc. In a class setting, this could mean resistance training using weights, tubes or elastic bands, boxing, dance moves, step workouts, stretching, slide training, trampoline workouts, circuit training, etc. But keep yourself challenged differently all the while for not just your physical but also your mental well being. Sticking with the same routine day after day & time after time can get very boring & monotonous, which then leads to the inevitable, i.e. your dropping the whole programme in toto.
  • Fad & crash diets seriously jeopardize our health, & they just do not work. Here's how. Crash diets (below 500 calories per day) cause a loss of potassium & nitrogen in the body. This loss triggers a mechanism in the body that causes us to hold on to our fat stores, & to turn to muscle protein for energy instead. Scientists have speculated that within each of us is a unique "set-point mechanism" that regulates the amount of fat we carry. This is a survival mechanism of our species. It's a way of stocking up for emergencies, starvation & famine. If the body perceives that it is starving, as it does when we crash diet or fast, the set-point kicks into action, causing the body to keep a tenacious grip on it's fat stores. In a bid to get out of this situation & to replenish itself, the body will first cause you to crave food- most commonly foods that are fuel-dense, high-caloried sugars & fats. If you stand your ground & resist these cravings, the body's next line of defense will be to react by slowing down the mechanism in order to conserve calories. In the face of such a food deprivation crisis, the body holds onto its fat for dear life!

For instance, let's imagine your body burns 1,500 calories per day. When on a crash diet, the body perceiving a threat to its very existence, will cause you to crave food. If you successfully make it through that checkpoint, the body will resort next to lowering its metabolism, let's say to 1,300 calories per day to conserve energy.

It's a bit like driving your car in the first gear, & thereby burning a lot more fuel, or driving it in the fourth gear & burning a whole lot less. The distance covered though (the work done) is just the same.

As time goes by, when you stubbornly hold on to your diet regime, the body feels the need to source out other fuel stores. Desperate times, desperate measures! So another trick is to start dipping into your body's muscle stores, & deplete them for energy. So, you lose muscle!

After a while, you finally come to the realization that this is just not working out the way you wanted. You're not looking or feeling good, & your fat stores are largely intact!

So, disheartened, you return to your normal eating patterns. Or possibly, even worse. Having been deprived of food for so long, it's not unnatural to start bingeing. Body weight now quickly increases in the form of fat, & not the muscle that has been depleted.

Also, your metabolism will not rise again to 1,500 calories as in your pre-diet days, but will remain at 1,300 calories per day. This gives you a surplus of 200 calories per day, which will be stored as body fat.

Some of the most common fat collection sites for women are the lower belly, hips, inner & outer thighs, & triceps (back of the upper arms). For men, fat tends to stay focussed around the middle & on the back. So now, these are the areas where this excess fat will build up (or further build up, as the case may be).

Having gained fat & inches in this way, after a certain period of time, one would typically get back onto another crash diet with renewed vigor & commit.

At this stage,

  • Your metabolic rate will take another dive, e.g. from 1,300 to 1,100 calories.
  • Your body will start dipping into the remainder of your muscle stores for energy again.
  • Your fat stores remain mostly intact.
  • Due to increased lipoprotein lipase activity (in layman's language, the result here is that the body becomes more efficient at storing fat, which is triggered by crash dieting), we set the stage for gaining fat a lot faster when we come off the diet. Due to this we get caught up in perpetual dieting.

When you get off your diet,

  • Your metabolic rate will remain at 1,100 calories per day, leaving you with a surplus of 200 calories, in addition to the 200 from the previous attempt. * Weight gained will be in the form of fat, & not the muscle that has been lost.
  • ... And the cycle perpetuates itself.....

In conclusion, every time you crash diet, you lose more & more muscle, drop your metabolic rate lower & lower, & end up gaining more & more fat!

Not only this, but we receive inadequate nutrients in imbalanced combinations. The entire body is taxed.

Studies show that Yo-Yo Dieting leads to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease & hypertension.

So if crash dieting doesn't work, then what exactly does? You already know the answer!

Exercise, in combination with a sensible diet.

For aerobic cross-training classes & gym training, contact the author's Fitness Centre, Body Art, on 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Now that we've gotten so far, let's take in a few other pointers we don't want to miss, & fine-tune the process.

Where's the fire?

Of prime importance, make sure you're driven by your own burning desire to get fit- not your best friends, your mothers or your husbands. You're gonna have to want it, & you're gonna have to want it real bad. Anything else is a waste of time & effort. Don't bother kidding yourself.

What's good enough?

Exercise cardiovascularly at least three times a week for 30- 40 minutes continuously. Recent research in America has shown that the effects of exercise are cumulative. They add up. So if you are really busy & can only spare 10 or 15 minutes every day, this would be acceptable, on a something's better than nothing basis, though not ideal for fat loss. It works on the principle that it's better to work out a little everyday, rather than not at all. Take in as much as you can for a total of around 3 hours a week, stepping this up gradually from time to time to speed up the process.

A good support system.

When making changes, even the most beloved friends & family members may feel it is an unnecessary exercise, which imposes upon them. If you can identify people who will support you, their encouragement will make it easier for you to stick to your new lifestyle. Get a good overall support system. Steer clear of those who undermine your weight-loss programme. Whatever their motivation, you don't want people forcing you to have another piece of chocolate cake or some more mithai. If they really cared about you, they'd want you to be happy, healthy & in great shape.

Start here & now.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. No matter where you're currently at, just get going. It's never too late.

Walk the talk.

If you're new to exercise, you might want to consider starting with walking. It'll give you an endorphin high that'll spur you onto taking classes & lifting those weights.

Get a partner.

Enroll into a class or gym with a friend or spouse. When you're feeling lazy they will motivate you to get your act together, & vice versa.

Dieting can wreck havoc on your close personal relationships.

Recent studies have found that a woman's obsession with her weight, crash dieting & low body esteem can lead to marital problems, even divorce. A husband, close relatives & friends can lose patience & tolerance with a dieter's constant cribbing or sad, negative self-image. Keep your problems to yourself. Don't be a talker; be a doer!

Go Vegetarian.

By cutting back on all that protein & the excess fat that goes with it, you'll lose fat & inches fast. If you can't find it in yourself to do this, then try & stick to seafood & chicken. Go slow on the red meat & other animal products. Remove the skin of chicken & fish before cooking. These skins contain a high level of fat.

Wait for 10 minutes after the first helping.

It's a fact, & a handy little trick: wait for 10 minutes after your first helping, & you won't want a second one, or a snack soon after. This is the amount of time that it takes for the hypothalamus (a section of the brain) to figure that the stomach is full & satisfied. It actually takes 20, but you've taken an average of 10 minutes already while consuming the first helping.

Take a break from restaurants.

A good many people commit suicide with a knife & fork! Cook yourself healthy, low-fat, low-sodium meals at home. Your wallet & your waistline will thank you for it.

Sip your soup.

Studies have shown that a bowl of soup before your meal will curtail your appetite as it is filling & takes a relatively long time to eat. As the brain takes about 20 minutes to realize that the body is full, soup sipping is particularly useful in quantity control.

Social events don't have to feature food.

The worst part of a diet isn't watching your food- it's watching everybody else's! Friends & fun do not have to be centred around food. Instead of meeting for lunch or dinner, join a fitness centre together or take a walk together. You'll get a thrill out of enjoying each other's company & knowing that at the same time you're improving your health & fitness levels!

Dump convenience foods from your diet.

As a thumb-rule, non-fresh foods usually contain added chemicals, a high amount of sodium and fat. This is exactly what adds to their shelf life! They don't, however, do your body any good.

Keep healthy snacks close at hand.

Destiny shapes our ends, but caloric intake is what shapes our middles! Keep things like fruits, vegetables, and sandwiches made of whole wheat bread & no butter close at hand. When those hunger pangs burst in, you'll want to grab the first available edible item. Make sure it's low on fat & calories, while being nutritionally rich.

Read labels.

Get into the good habit of reading food labels. If there are some ingredients you can't pronounce, leave alone identify, then the chances are high that this meal is loaded with chemicals. Avoid it.

Drop the salt.

Add the zing to your meal by using chilly sauce, black pepper, vinegar, paprika seeds, mustard or limejuice instead of salt. Besides keeping your blood pressure in check, you'll cut down on that belly bloat you'll otherwise get from salt consumption. You'll be surprised to find that your food will taste better too!

It's okay to gain 1.5 to 2 kgs. every decade, after the age of 20.

Don't fear aging. Putting on a bit of weight as we get older is good for the body & the soul. Extreme thinness can increase the risk of osteoporosis. A very thin face is also far more likely to show wrinkles at an earlier stage.

Eat smart on the job!

Overeating is not the way up the corporate ladder! Eat simple, sensible food. It'll keep from you feeling sleepy, lazy & sluggish all day. Keep your mind on the business at hand. Stay focused.

Check on inch-loss, not weight-loss.

Though you might have been working out diligently, your weight might stay the same. This is because you've probably built up on muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat. That's great. Therefore go by the measure tape, how your clothes fit, & how you look in the mirror- not by the weighing scale.

Think Thin!

Mind over matter. Carry yourself, walk & think like a thin person. It actually works wonders.

Have fun!

Don't get too obsessive & stressed about achieving your goals. Relax, have a good time working out, & before you know it, you'll meet a new & improved you!

Credit Yourself.

See how far you've come with your plan & how much you've accomplished. Compare old photographs of yourself when you were at your heaviest with recent ones- huge difference! Imagine how great you'll look & feel when you do reach your eventual goals! All the best!

For aerobic cross-training classes & gym workouts, contact the writer's Fitness Centre, Body Art, on 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

Fit Facts

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

No time or energy to spare from your hectic schedule to get in shape & stay that way? Looking for an easy exit out, but with all the goodies? There's good news coming your way. Here are some highly effective, quick exercises you can perform to tone up, burn those calories, & look like a million bucks!

You can do them in the comfort of your own home, in your office, or even in the kitchen while cooking, and get the body you've always envied some others for! You don't need any special equipment or fancy gear. All you need is will power & dedication.

The Upper Body<

A great compound exercise for all the upper body muscles & the abs is the plank.

Getting onto your fours, (elbows & knees), one leg at a time get off your knees & onto your toes. Lower your hips so that your whole body is parallel to the floor. Keep your shoulders, hips, knees & heels in one straight line. When working, don't allow the butt to jut up, or the pelvic region to sag forward. Remain in this position without any movement. This is an isometric exercise, which incidentally should be avoided by hypertensives. If you find the exercise too tough, or you have a weak lower back, then allow your hips to remain slightly raised. Begin with 2 sets of 8 counts each.


The back of the upper arms have always been a classic problem area for most women. If this is an area that makes up unhappy too, then here's what you're looking for.

The tricep dip:With your back to a bench, get your hands on the bench behind you, so your body weight is borne by the arms. By bending and straightening the arms, let yourself rise up & dip back down. When rising, exhale, and make sure that you never lock back at the elbows. While lowering, inhale. The triceps are the muscles in the back of the upper arms & this is the area you're targeting. Start with 2 sets of 6-8 reps each.

The Lower Body

A great compound exercise for all the lower body muscles is the squat. You'll target all the large lower limb muscles by doing this exercise. If you don't have the time, patience, or the will power to go the whole hog, then just do this one!

Stand with your feet about shoulder distance apart, feet parallel to one another. Bend your knees & squat down, bringing the quads parallel to the floor. Keep the back straight & lean forward slightly while doing this. Inhale while moving down, & exhale while coming back up into the standing position. Don't let your toes go beyond your feet while squatting down. Sit back instead, as you would on a chair. Be careful not to lock the knee joint back while standing up. Start with 2 sets of 10 each.

The Quadriceps

This exercise targets mainly the front of your thigh. While sitting down & keeping the back straight, bend and straighten your leg out. Breathe in as you bend, & out as you extend & tighten all the muscles of the leg before repeating this. Start with 2 sets of 10 each & then switch legs.

Outer thigh & hips

Ex. A- Lie down on your side with the lower leg bent, & the upper leg straight & flexed. Make sure you're exactly on your side; the pelvic shouldn't tilt or fall back. This is an important focus point, so keep an eye on yourself. Lift & lower this upper leg without covering more than 8"- 10". Do not let it lower more than parallel to the floor. Exhale upon lifting, & inhale as you lower. Make sure the upper body does not rock back & forth while doing this. Begin with 2 sets of 10-12 each, on each leg.

Ex. B- Sit down on the floor, with a chair in front of you. Lean back onto your palms so that the spine is reclined, in order to protect the lower back while working. Get your feet inside the legs of the chair. While keeping your legs straight, knees just slightly soft, push outward against the chair legs & then release the contraction. Breathe out while pushing, & in while relaxing. Make sure that the feet are straight, & do not turn at the ankles. Do 2 sets of 10 each, & then switch legs.

Inner thighs

Sit down on the floor, with a chair in front of you. Lean back onto your palms in order to protect the lower back while working. Get your feet on the outside of the legs of the chair. While keeping your legs straight, push inward against the chair legs & then release the contraction. Breathe out while pushing, & in while relaxing. Make sure that the feet are straight, & do not turn at the ankles. Do 2 sets of 10 each, on each leg.

The Abs

The ab crunch is one of the most effective and safe abdominal exercises.

To perform the basic crunch, lie with both legs bent (at about a 90 degree angle) and slightly apart. This supports and protects the back. If the crunch is done with your legs straight, you seriously risk straining the lower back. At least one, if not both legs, should be bent. Slowly lift the head and shoulders off the floor using the abdominal muscles, raising yourself upto the bottom of your shoulder blades.

Your arm position can vary the intensity of the exercise. To reduce the intensity, extend the arms forward. To increase the intensity, bring your fists up to your forehead. To further intensify this, extend the arms overhead.

Be careful not to jerk the neck up as you lift. Exhale as you lift up and inhale on the way down. Don't try hard to hold the feet down. This only pressurizes the hip flexor muscles (located where the leg meets the main body on the anterior side) and detracts from the work of the abdominals. Do 3 sets of 8-10 each to start with.

Getting the most out of your exercises

Make sure all your moves are performed precisely, in a fluid & controlled manner. Sudden, jerky moves are harmful for you. Technique, body alignment & correct breathing patterns can't be emphasized enough.

Remember- What was performed with great difficulty yesterday, will be easier today, & a piece of cake tomorrow. This is known as the procedure of adaptation. Having reached this stage, it's important to challenge yourself further by overloading, or you won't improve any more. You'll just stagnate. While all your exercises need to be challenging & difficult, make sure that they are not impossible. If you're in agony & feel the need to stop immediately, you're working too hard. Slow down! If on the other hand, you find that what you're doing is too easy, then you're not getting anything out of the programme anymore. Step it up! Some simple ways of doing this is by increasing the number of reps first & then sets, by taking on more difficult variations of each exercise, or even by increasing the number of times you work out each week.

Its always necessary to combine cardiovascular activities with strength or resistance training programmes, in order to keep the fat levels low, & tone up.

Remember to warm up & cool down adequately with every workout. Whole body moves & stretches should be included. This will go a long way in injury prevention.

The sets and reps indicated above are appropriate for beginners. As you progress, load up by increasing your reps & sets slowly. These exercises will barely take 10- 15 minutes each day. You'll notice the difference almost immediately.

Have fun. Enjoy the exercise high. The results will take care of themselves!

For a large variety of fitness classes & gym sessions, contact the writer's centre, Body Art on 022 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

Party Paunch?

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Do you enjoy an active social life? Love to let your hair down & shake a leg at those innumerable get-togethers, cocktail parties, weddings & dinners? Don't we all.

What's the one common factor in all of the above scenarios- There's food & booze; there's always- food & booze!

When does the bonanza ever come to a close? Watch out! You'll be surrounded by mounds of dessert, starters, heavy, oily food, alcohol, & the list goes on.... These will tempt even the most conscious, strong-willed dieter. So are these supposed to be fun-filled evenings & occasions? Maybe. But for those of us who're trying to get that fat off & keep it off, they can be most stressful. An overdose is bound to knock any exercise & weight control routine right off its feet!

Let's face it. The odds aren't in your favour. Just relax; with a little careful handling, & some amount of jugglery, you can come out on top of this. Today's article will show you how.

Some Survival Tips

Have dinner before you go.

If your dinner invitation says 8 p.m., that probably means that dinner won't be served till it's time for Cinderella's coach to turn into a pumpkin. As the evening drags on, even your fingernails will start to look appetizing. Not looking good! When you're hungry, you'll give into eating anything, & you'll tend to really pack it in.

But if you've nibbled before leaving the house, if you've had a sandwich, salad or soup, you'll be just fine. It'll curb the temptation of eating all those deep fried kebabs, & mini pizzas drowned in melted cheese.

Get a grip (of yourself, not of your love handles!)

Get real & be sensible. Opt for wine instead of beer. A glass of wine (especially a red) can lower your cholesterol level.

And remember, if you drink too often to other people's health, you'll end up ruining your own!

This, clubbed along with nibbling away on those appetizers is going to leave you wanting for a new wardrobe before too long, so go easy!

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

The best recipes are on the dinner table during parties. Super! The only problem is that your host expects you to actually eat all that food! In our society, cleaning your plate & going back for seconds & thirds, is the only way to say you enjoyed the meal. Great for the cooks ego; suicidal for your stomach & hips!

Instead, why don't you do the sneaky thing & ask your host for the recipe? Imitation is the best form of flattery. Your host will be thrilled that you loved the food so much, that you want to share it with others.

Score brownie points.

Score points with the host by offering to bring some appetizers of your own along. Bring something that pleases both your taste buds, & your hips!


If you know you're going to be painting the town red that night, & naturally will find it hard to resist all the yummies that go with it, try & stay lighter during the day. That way you won't feel so guilty come party time.

Tit bits.

It's okay to try what looks yummy, but just take a bit, rather than going the whole hog. This way you'll cut down on the calories, but still please your taste buds.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

At your own party, practice what you preach! Limit the number of appetizers you serve, & make sure you keep them as healthy as possible. Choose fresh veggies with light dips & slices of fruit, rather than deep-fried bhajiyas & cheese balls.

Serve dinner at a reasonable hour, & choose seafood or chicken (without the skin) rather than mutton, beef or pork.

If you're like a kitchen mouse, who likes nibbling away constantly while cooking, be smart about it. Keep healthy snacks like grapes or cucumber slices close at hand.

When it comes to dessert, make sure that you serve the same in prearranged bowls, so that they can be served in individual portions. If you're having a dinner for 12, make sure you have only 12 bowls, so there's no extra gooey chocolate cake to wake upto the next morning.

Stay active.

Try to incorporate some additional activity to compensate for the hazards of the onslaught of the twighlight hours. For instance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk to work.

If you've got even just a few minutes, you've got the time for a workout. Where fitness is concerned, something is better than nothing.

Short, effective workouts that combine cardiovascular activities & strength training can help raise energy levels, burn off fat, tone the body, alleviate stress & much more. Don't forget to warm up & cool down.

Preferably, get yourself a good pair of cross training, air-soled shoes, to give you adequate shock absorption & support. Ideally get into cotton gear only. Avoid synthetics such as lycra, spandex & nylon. These synthetics do not allow the body to breathe through the skin, thereby retaining the temperature build-up, which is natural during exercise. Cotton, on the other hand, allows the body to breathe. This will make things a lot easier for you during your workouts. Stay well hydrated. Keep sipping on water during exercise, & drink plenty both before & after.

Remember that activity of any kind is better than nothing.

Of course, if you have the time, then hit your local fitness centre. Sweat it out in the cardio studio, or target strength or resistance training. Fitness centres offer all sorts of workouts such as Pilates, Trampoline workouts, Swiss Ball Workouts, new body format classes, Step workouts, Body Sculpt, Boxercise & more.

If you don't want to do an organized workout, then engage in any activity that you enjoy. If you feel like doing the salsa, or climbing up & down stairs, that's fine too. Just enjoy whatever it is that you're doing. It's all about getting you activated!

Water baby.

Drink as much water as possible. Water flushes out toxins from the body & is vital in weight reduction for a number of reasons, & in various ways. Increasing your fruit & vegetable intake, largely have the same impact on the body.

Put on your dancing shoes.

If it's a dance party, then dance! You'll burn calories & become a better dancer! Practice makes perfect!

Healthy self-image.

Almost everyone seems to have a problem with themselves! The thin think they're too thin, the fat think they're too fat, the short think they're too short, the tall think they're too tall, & the list goes on! These paranoias seem to peak in the party scenario, where people feel that they are more on display than otherwise.

Go easy, & be good to yourself! After all, you're all you've got! Relax, & get comfortable with your body, & with who you are as a person.

If you're overweight, stop wearing dark colours in the hope of looking thinner. You won't. You'll just look dreary & dull! Instead, focus on looking the curvaceous, wholesome woman that you are! Wear something that reflects your personality.

Don't compare yourself to everyone else. Genetics, body frames, basal metabolic rates, & many other factors go into our physical appearance. Not all of them are within your control. Be the best that you can be, & be happy about it!

Cut it out.

Many standard recipes can be modified so that you can cut back on the fat, but not on the taste. Here are some ideas.

Instead of using Try using
Eggs Egg whites only (two egg whites for every whole egg)
Cheese Light cheese
Whole milk No-fat milk
Sour cream Light sour cream or low fat yogurt
Light sour cream or low fat yogurt Use less or no oil, & a non-stick pan
Chocolate Cocoa
Meat Use lean cuts. Use less, & cut them up into small bits.
Mayonnaise (in salads) Lighter salad dressings like olive oil or vinaigrette
White bread Whole grain bread

Remember that you're not alone. Everyone hopes to watch his or her weight in spite of the social round. It's really just a matter of striking the right balance!

All the best!

For a large variety of classes and gym facilities & training, call the writer's fitness centre, Body Art, on 022-2380-5929/ 2602.

Fitness for the Working Woman

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

It's hard prioritizing. It's tough making the time to 'fit' everything into a day. Women are often so many people all in one- from managing a career, being a parent, a spouse, a son/ daughter, a housewife, etc, etc. God, the list is unending!

Time being of the essence, even if you're motivated, when it comes to prioritizing things, you'll always have a good excuse to skip a workout. You'll remain perpetually busy working, catching up on your reading, running errands, surfing the net, helping your child with homework, cooking, shopping, meeting up with a friend, or even just sleeping late.

The answer to your list of obstacles is always the same. You have to make the time. Manage your time better! Exercise during your lunch hour, while watching television, use the time when your kid is at play school, or stop off at class on your way home from work. Where there's a will, there's always a way!

The benefits of exercise are really endless, & need no introduction. They include fat loss, muscle toning, a dramatic improvement in physical appearance & health, increased self-confidence, increased bone density, improved cardiovascular fitness, & much more.

Improving one's social life, personal life, sex life & career, it can transform your life completely for the better.

Do we really need more reasons to decide to make exercise a part of our regular lives?

Here are some simple & highly effective exercises you can do even while just sitting at your desk in the office.

Quick Desk Fixes

For - The Upper Body (Arms, Chest & Back)

  • While sitting at your desk, get your palms to meet at chest level. With your elbows bent & close by your side, squeeze your palms together while exhaling, & release this slightly while inhaling.
  • Holding your hands at waist level, pull apart while exhaling, & release this slightly while inhaling.

For - Legs

  • While sitting at your desk, lift one foot up about 6" off from the floor. In this position, pulse up & down a quarter to half an inch. Breathe normally & don't let the upper body rock while doing this. Keep it steady.
  • In the above position, move the leg 3- 4" from side to side, instead of up & down. This involves the inner & outer thigh muscles.
  • While standing, using your desk or chair for support, rise up onto your toes, & then lower yourself, but keep both heels slightly off the floor. Exhale while lifting up, & inhale while lowering. Here, the calf muscles are being targeted.

For - The Abs

  • While sitting on the edge of your chair, keep both legs bent & apart from one another. Lean back all the way, just short of touching the chair. Make sure the spine is rounded over & your chin is lowered close to the chest at all times. Remain frozen in this reclined position for a slow count of 10, before sitting upright to relax for a few moments. Make sure you don't hold your breath at any time during this exercise. Breathe normally right through. Leaving the arms extended out by your side & parallel to the floor is the easiest option. As you get stronger & can take on more, bring the fists to your forehead, elbows bent & close together in front of you. To make the exercise even tougher, extend both arms straight up overhead.
  • This works the main abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominus, which is also nicknamed the "six pack", as well trained abs resemble a six pack of beer. Sounds appealing, hmm?
  • To include the below belly abdominal group, get into the previously described position, & then get your right ankle up upon your left knee. Hold this position for a slow count of 10.

You can switch legs at a later stage. This targets both the main abdominal muscle (rectus abdominus) & the transverse abdominus which sits in the pelvic cavity.

NB - The above abdominal exercises are not appropriate for those with a high BP problem.

Do this 3 - 4 times a week, & you'll see results in about 3 weeks time. You'll realize soon enough that you don't have to spend hours sweating it out in the gym, jogging in the park or participating in fitness classes. You can have it all without even leaving your office, & by spending as little 6- 8 minutes each day!

Here are some pointers to help you get started, & get you from here to there!

A Few Quick Tips

  • Begin by doing 8- 10 counts of all the above exercises, in sets of 2 or 3 each. As you get stronger & more capable, you can slowly increase the counts or reps, and even the sets at a later stage. Keep the principle of overload in mind. It's always important to overload gradually, once the body has adapted & is relatively comfortable with the given activity. Once your body gets used to or adapts to a particular exercise, & it begins to get easier, it is important to load up in order to continue seeing results. Otherwise, you'll stop seeing regular results. Your body just gets immune to your workout! But give yourself time to adapt to the new activity before you decide to take on a more challenging level. One can overload by exercising harder, longer, more often, or by changing the type of exercise to something more challenging.
  • Remember that correct breathing patterns are crucial. Always exhale during the contraction, or the most difficult stage of the exercise, & inhale during the relaxation phase, or the easiest part of the exercise.
  • Find moderation & consistency in a combining a sensible diet with exercise. Compulsive exercising is as unhealthy as compulsive eating.
  • Don't bite off more than you can chew. If you go rushing into an over demanding schedule, you may end up unable to cope with it, which in turn will get you to possibly abandon the whole programme altogether.
  • Focus on correct technique & form throughout. It doesn't matter how much you can or can't do, but how you do it is vital. Concentrate on each exercise & visualize the body part that you are working. It's often more a mind-thing than a body-thing.

So get set to slip into your new body! It just doesn't get better than this!

For a large variety of classes and gym facilities & training, call the writer's fitness centre, Body Art, on 022-2380-5929/ 2602.

Ask & I'll Answer!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Dear Nawaz,

I'm trying to get & keep in shape, but my job demands that I travel frequently, & so my routine is often thrown off track. Are there some exercises I can do in my hotel room, especially for the upper & lower body ?

Two simple exercises you can do for the upper & lower body require only your body weight as resistance, and are the push-up & the lunge. These two can be modified to meet the needs of people of all fitness levels.

Assuming you know how to do a push-up & a lunge, here are a few tips. If you find the classic style of push-up too tough to begin with, start with bent-legged push-ups (do them on your knees instead of on your toes). If even that is initially too challenging, then stand up & do them against a wall, with your arms pressing your body weight into & away from the wall. Exhale as you push away, & inhale as you lower. Remember never to lock the elbows back when in the 'up' position, & try & go down as low as you can when in the 'down' position. Make sure you keep your hands up at chest height, shoulder distance apart, with your fingers pointing forward.

On lunges, remember not to lunge too far back. Keep your upper body erect at all times, & your leading leg slightly bent & over your foot right through. Fig. 1 demonstrates a modification of a lunge. You can lunge forward & back, for variation. Exhale as you lunge, & inhale as you come back to starting position.

Congratulations on your commitment to keep an eye on your personal fitness even when on a busy work schedule out of town. Keep it up!

This is a request for your column. Could you make us a little more savvy on health club & gym facilities? What does one get at centres these days? How does one use the variety of equipment one generally finds at gyms ?

Health club facilities could range from a fully-equipped gym with equipment, fitness studios which offer all sorts of workouts & classes for varying populations of all ages, fitness levels, & for people with varying goals & health limitations. They may have a sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, massage facilities, aromatherapy, mind-body exercises, personal training, health food & low cal snacks & foods.

Typical gym equipment encompasses the bench press, lat pulley, pec deck, leg extension & leg curl machine (as shown in Fig. 2), squat rack, ab machine, cardio equipment (treadmill, cycle, stair climber), free weights. These are the very basics. There can be a whole lot more. The best way to go about it is to let the trainer work out a programme for you, & help you implement it. Speak to the trainer (make sure they are well qualified!) about your goals, health limitations (if any), current age, & previous experience with exercise. Make sure they draw up a routine tailored to suit your needs. Best of luck!

How long should I sit in the Steam Room to lose fat & inches ?

It's a common misconception that sitting in the steam room gets you to lose fat & inches. Nothing can be further from the truth. The inch & weight loss which is recorded right after stepping out of a steam room is merely water lost through sweat, & is quickly replaced as soon as one consumes water. This has nothing to do with your fat storage. Stop kidding yourself.

Can you guide me as to what I should specifically look for when joining a fitness centre, and what I should beware of ?

Go to a place that is well reputed & well established. First & foremost, look for well-trained & well-qualified staff. This is often not the case. At best, your workouts may be ineffective; at worst, you could end up injuring yourself. Look for a centre which is convenient for you to visit in terms for proximity & timings, is clean, & has all the basic facilities you'll require. Try & join a place which'll offer you a large variety of routines to look forward to, & that will check on your progress regularly & evaluate it. Look for staff that is helpful & provides individual attention. Make sure you're getting value for money. If the centre grossly overcharges, & you're being ripped off, & chances are it's not a place you'll keep going back to on a long-term basis- it's just a short-stint for the novelty value. Initially it's a good idea to sign up for the shortest possible period of time to get a taste of what the place is all about. While you're there, talk to other members about their experiences with the centre. You'll quickly find all the answers you want.

I've been toying with the idea of taking up yoga classes. What exactly are the benefits? Is it too gentle & safe a form of exercise to be effective at all ?

Yoga can be gentle but some styles are rather strenuous & demanding both physically & mentally. Meditation, balance, co-ordination, increased flexibility, increased muscle tone & the improvement of certain health problems are the main benefits of yoga. As with any other form of exercise, make sure you get your hands on a good, qualified & well-experienced teacher, so your workout is both safe & effective.

I've been exercising on an on-&-off basis for the last 3 years now. My lower back has always bothered me. Can you suggest some strengthening exercises I can do to prevent low back pain ?

Firstly, see your doctor to make sure you don't have a serious back problem. Having done this, regular exercise will increase muscle tone & enhance flexibility. Make sure you maintain your weight. Putting on those extra pounds will add to your back problem, as you'll be carrying that excess around on your frame.

Here are a couple of simple exercises you can do anywhere.

Get your shoes off & lie down flat on your stomach. Keep your legs straight & your arms stretched up overhead on the floor. Gently lift one arm & the opposite leg off the floor in a controlled fashion. Hold it up there for a moment & then lower back down to where you started. Do this 10 times, & then switch the arm & leg, & repeat that. Breathe out as you lift, & breathe in as you lower.

Another variation of the same exercise is doing virtually the same thing on all fours. Get up onto your hands & knees. Get your right palm onto your head, & lift the upper body & your left leg (bent or straight) simultaneously while exhaling. Lower while inhaling. Do 10 here, & then switch arms & legs.

Make sure both these exercises are performed in a controlled, fluid & unjerky manner. Fig. 3 demonstrates a more advanced back exercise which can be taken on at a later stage once your back is reasonably strengthened.

Remember to generally maintain good posture. Don't slouch or slump over when sitting or walking.

My trainer tells me that if I want to lose weight, then I ought to stay away from weight training because I will bulk up. Is that true ?

No. Most experts believe that cardiovascular training coupled with weight/ strength/ resistance training is important in achieving & maintaining healthy body weight. The more toned you are, the less fat you will tend to store on you, as muscles utilizes more calories both at rest & at work.

>I'm an avid reader of your column & a great fan of yours. From your articles I gather that one has to both workout hard enough & often enough to see desired results. I am a mother of 2, have no household help, & work part-time. I just can't put that sort of time into exercise anymore. Is it better to give up all hopes of trying to squeeze a bit of a workout out in whenever possible, or should I drop the whole notion till my personal life is more on track, & I am able to devote more time & energy to this cause ?

This is exactly the kind of thinking that keeps a lot of people from starting or maintaining an exercise programme. On an anything is better than nothing basis, do what you can. Regular walking for as little as 1 hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Don't give up on yourself.

Why is it so important to keep checking your heart rate during exercise ?

This is how one can determine how hard one exercises, or how intense your workout is. This way you take the guesswork out of how hard you ought to be working in order to achieve the goals you want. To appropriately determine the heart rate range that's ideal for you, consult with a fitness professional. There are various methods of working it out. Ideally, your personal details such as age, fitness level & goals should be borne in mind when calculating the same.

What's the difference between digital & analogue heart rate monitoring, which one sees on cardio gym equipment ?

Digital is the preferred option as it is more accurate than analogue. It detects electrical impulses given off by the heart with each heartbeat. This system of monitoring focuses on signals given off by the cardiac muscle, & it can filter out other electrical noise created by other muscles which may be contracting at the same time. Digital processing can perform complex mathematical calculations very fast to analyze a signal from a heart rate sensor.

The analogue system is unable to extract non heart-rate muscle firings & therefore could be wrong by as much as 20-30 beats per minute. For people who select their workout based upon heart rate monitoring, this would throw their workout off track.

For a large variety of workouts or gym sessions, contact the columnist's fitness centre, Body Art, on 2380-2602 & 2380- 5929.

Keep It Rollin'!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Whatever name they are identified by- Swiss balls, Flex-a-Balls, Fit Balls, Resist-A-Balls, Physio balls or stability balls- they are large air filled balls used as a piece of exercise equipment. This new & dynamic revolutionary idea is sweeping the fitness industry today. They offer effectiveness, safety, & are a fun way to workout. You can work on functional strength, flexibility, endurance, muscle toning & on keeping that fat off, while targeting balance & co-ordination.

Physical therapists have used these large, resilient, stability balls for years to challenge, encourage, & improve movement. As one learns to use the ball to stretch & strengthen, the exercises can be difficult & challenging, but can be adjusted to meet all ages, fitness levels & special requirement categories.

Introduced in Switzerland in 1909, the ball was initially introduced into the physical therapy circles to treat orthopedic & neurological disorders. The trend caught on extensively in the United States in the 1970's & 80's.

In 1992, the Swiss ball began to be used more extensively in field of physical fitness.


The ball can improve muscle tone, help you lose fat by increasing your lean body mass, increase muscular endurance & strength, improve or restore flexibility, increase abdominal & spinal strength & stability, improve your balance, posture & coordination.

The ball is great fun to train with, & brings a freshness & newness to your exercise programme.

Improving, developing & maintaining motor control is an absolute essential of life. As the ball gets you up off the floor, it allows one to move easily on a cushion of air. This results in more comfortable movement for most participants. Many strengthening exercises & stretches can be performed on the ball that are not possible on the floor. Isometrics can be practiced very effectively. Maintaining proper alignment on the ball stimulates the body's natural motor reflexes & encourages the body to react as a whole, integrated unit. In other words, the whole body is challenged to participate in order to correct posture & balance while performing dynamic stretches & contractions.

Working with the ball is extremely effective in targeting the abdominal & back muscles. Strong postural muscles & proper posture are important for relieving & preventing low-back pain.

The ball can improve muscle strength & endurance in all major muscle groups.

One of the most attractive features is the ball's versatility. It can be adapted to all ages, all fitness levels & to people of all health conditions. Demands placed on the body during activity on the ball vary dramatically. The overload & challenge is anything but consistent & predictable. As the ball is portable & light weight, it is easy to travel with, & to store. It is an inexpensive exercise tool, & is maintenance-free over a long period of time.

A Healthy Back

At least 90% of our population has, at some time or another, experienced some degree of low-back pain. Much of this pain can be attributed to poor posture, and an imbalance of flexibility & strength in key postural muscles.

This can be rectified while working with the ball. Both the anterior & posterior musculature can be strengthened & stretched.

Closed & Open Chain Exercise

One of the reasons as to why the ball is so effective, is that it incorporates both closed chain exercises (CCE) & open chain exercises (OCE). To best understand this, it is useful to view your whole body as a length of chain. Imagine your arms & legs to be the opposite ends of a chain.

Open chain exercise is when an end segment of a chain (arms or legs) are not fixed, & do not support the weight of your body. An example is a seated bicep curl.

Closed chain exercise occurs when either set of limbs, upper or lower body, is involved in supporting your weight. A squat, for instance, is an example of a CCE.

Muscular Strength & Endurance on the Ball

Muscle strength is defined as the amount of force a muscle, or group of muscles can exert against a resistance in one singular attempt. Strong muscles are effectively developed by progressively overloading, or gradually taking on more & more pressure or resistance. Once a muscle or group of muscles adapts to a particular exercise, it is necessary to overload to see further gains in strength being made. Otherwise, you'll stagnate. This is known as progressive overload. Another way to overload the muscles without changing the resistance or pressure, is to introduce new movements, or place/ position the body differently for a movement you have been regularly doing. The ball offers all of these options.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated muscular contractions for an extended period of time without extreme fatigue. Muscular endurance is important as it allows us to complete repetitive everyday tasks of everyday life. This way you can sustain strenuous everyday activity, & still have enough energy to go through the day without fatigue. The stronger your muscles are, the more endurable they will also be!

Stronger muscles can also resist dangerous mechanical stress to the body better, due to their increased resiliency. They act as shock absorbers, protecting joints & other anatomical structures.

Warm up & Cool Down

These are important segments for a safe & effective workout.

Your warm ups will increase the temperature of your muscles & connective tissues, thereby reducing the exercise-related risk of injury, & will enhance flexibility gains. Your warm up will also get the heart & lungs ready for the rigors of exercise.

Your cool down will relax & stretch the muscles you have worked, eliminating the waste products of exercise (such as lactic acid, excess blood, carbondioxide), out of your muscles, & then out of your system through your circulation network. This prevents or reduces delayed muscle soreness, which is typical 24- 48 hours post-exercise.

What should I look for?

Some of the features one needs to look for when buying a ball include:

  • Make sure the ball you buy stays in place & doesn't roll away when put down.
  • Some balls are available with legs. These assist you in controlling the ball, by gripping the legs. You might be more comfortable & feel more balanced & stable when working with these. Legs can also be used as a handle for carrying one or several of these at a time. This feature also makes stacking on the floor easy, eliminating the need for racks or nets.
  • Get a large enough ball, which can be used as a focal point for exercises such as squats, or as a balance point for dynamic stretches.
  • Get a seamless ball, which cannot under pressure burst, as other balls can.
  • Balls are available in different sizes for adults & children. Get the appropriate size.
  • Many balls are available with a lifetime guarantee. Get one of those!

Comfort & Safety

To make sure your ball training is safe & effective, make sure:

  • You work on a non-slippery floor. Carpet or a mat under the ball works best.
  • Make sure you've got adequate exercise space. Generally speaking, a body's length from the ball in all directions is an ideal amount of space.
  • Wear workout shoes or go barefoot while performing stretches. Avoid wearing just socks, as you won't have the necessary traction for secure body positions on the ball, & your feet could slide out from under you.
  • Comfortable, contact clothing is the best choice. Tights & unitards are good as these will not slip or move & therefore allow for more effective stretching on the ball. Clothing that rides up or allows exposed skin to contact the ball may hinder smooth movement on the ball, introducing the problems that go with friction.

Exercises Demonstrated In This Article

For the Upper Body

Hold the ball up at chest level. Two exercises can be done in this position. Firstly, throw the ball against a wall, & catch it as it bounces off the ball. Get faster as you get the hang of it. Secondly, push one arm closer to the other, using the ball in between the two as resistance.

For the Inner Thighs

Lie on your side on the floor, with your top leg on top of the ball. Make sure your hips & thighs are aligned properly, directly above one another. Maintain neutral alignment of the neck/ cervical spine by either propping the upper body onto your elbow, or by lying down completely, resting your head on your arm. Press the upper leg down into the ball, towards the floor. Lift the lower leg up, to meet the upper leg, & then lower it back down to the starting position.

For the Lower Limbs

Get up onto your hands & knees, with the ball behind you. Straighten one leg out onto the ball. Two exercises can be done in this position. One is pushing the straight leg downward into the ball. Another is to lift the straight leg up off the ball, but only by an inch or two, so that the back does not arch.

Start by doing 2 sets of 8- 10 each of the above exercises. Always exhale during the toughest part of the exercise, & inhale as the movement gets easier. As you get fitter & stronger, you'll find you're able to do more & more. Then you can gradually increase the number of reps & sets.

What more can I say? You need more reasons to consider this form of training? I don't think so. Just get out there, & have a ball!

For classes & gym training call the columnist's centre, Body Art, on 2380-5929 or 2380-2602

Little Ways to Lose A Lot of Fat

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Weight watchers go to great lengths to avoid great widths! Today's article offers various suggestions, which will help take you from here to there.


In Jacob M. Braude's words, "Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, & bending over backwards."

You need to schedule your workouts and stick to them. If you have trouble juggling your workouts into your day, slot it into your diary as you would any other appointment & stick to it no matter what. Do it like your life depends on it, which, in a way, it does.

Be sociable

Studies have found that those who join an exercise class/gym and a diet centre lose twice as much in terms of fat & inches than those who try & take this into their own hands. Meeting up with others on a regular basis, in class or at a centre, who have the same goals & problems, inspire people to work harder towards their weight-loss goals.

Work at your own pace

When joining a fitness centre, work out at your own pace. Don't be intimidated by the intensity of the session. Listen to your body, & slow down whenever you need to. Mirrors are an important tool which will help you focus on technique & body alignment. Don't worry about others checking you out in the mirror. They're not. They're fixated by their own image! Remember- you are not in competition with anyone, except for the 'you' of yesterday!

Set yourself realistic goals

Instead of planning on losing 15 kgs in two months & doing nothing about it, plan on losing 5- 6 inches overall & combine this with a sensible diet & exercise programme.

Stay Active

Do household chores as you watch TV. Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Walk home from work whenever possible. Get physically more involved, rather than being a couch potato.

Practice perfect posture

Besides the obvious health angle, perfect posture will make your body look it's best. Stand straight. Avoid slouching.

Train your Abdominals

Aside from greatly enhancing visual appeal, a strong mid-section adds to back strength & can boost your performance in just about any sport.

Get weights in

Weight & resistance training helps you get rid of unwanted fat, & fast. This is because muscles require more energy to sustain them than fat. Simply put, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. You can raise your metabolism by as much as 15- 18%!

Mix & Match

Rotate your activities; cross train! You'll see continuous results, feel much better, & reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Be flexible

If you can't make it to your aerobic class one day, maybe you can walk back home that day, or head out for a jog instead. Take your walkman or a friend along for company.

Foods aren't "good" or "bad".

All foods are good, IF they are consumed in moderation. Don't banish certain foods altogether from your diet- that'll make you crave them all the more. That leads to bingeing. Control the size of the portion instead.

Use the RPH (Rate of Perceived Hunger) Scale

This is a very effective mental tool. Think of '0' as an indication of extreme hunger, & of '10' as indicating feeling stuffed. Now make it a point to stay between 3- 8 at all times. If you're starving, chances are that you will overeat at meals, particularly so as it takes your brains about 20 minutes to realize that you are full. Begin to eat when you're at about 3 on the scales. Stop when you're at 7- 8 where you are full, but not stuffed.

Find a good partner as a support system

Get fit with a friend or relative with a nice, admirable figure that you can use as a role model. Don't choose a leggy supermodel to workout with. You'll end up with the same figure, low self-esteem & depression.

Get a good overall support system

Steer clear of those who undermine your weight-loss programme. Whatever their motivation, you don't want people forcing you to have another piece of chocolate cake or some more mithai. If they really cared about you, they'd want you be be happy, healthy & in great shape.

The monsoons washed away your exercise programme?

Instead of making excuses, find yourself an indoor activity. Riding a stationary cycle, rope jumping or stair climbing are just some of the many activities you can engage in.

Follow a food plan

Eat on a regular basis rather than in a random, unplanned manner. Many people binge senselessly when they're upset or angry. Keep a record of what, when, how much & why you are eating. This will help you pinpoint & rectify trouble areas.

Eat small meals

The problem with square meals is that they make you round! Consume small meals through the day. Avoid sticking to just 2 or 3 large meals. This way the body uses up the calories from your meal rather than storing the excess in the form of fat.

Dieting can wreck havoc on your close personal relationships

Recent studies have found that a woman's obsession with her weight, crash dieting & low body esteem can lead to marital problems, even divorce. A husband, close relatives & friends can lose patience & tolerance with a dieter's constant cribbing or sad, negative self-image. Keep your problems to yourself. Don't be a talker; be a doer!

Go Vegetarian

By cutting back on all that protein & the excess fat that goes with it, you'll lose fat & inches fast. If you can't find it in yourself to do this, then try & stick to seafood & chicken. Go slow on the red meat & other animal products. Remove the skin of chicken & fish before cooking. These skins contain a high level of fat.

Wait for 10 minutes after the first helping

It's a fact, & a handy little trick: wait for 10 minutes after your first helping, & you won't want a second one, or a snack soon after. This is the amount of time that it takes for the hypothalamus (a section of the brain) to figure that the stomach is full & satisfied. It actually takes 20, but you've taken an average of 10 minutes already while consuming the first helping.

Take a break from restaurants

A good many people commit suicide with a knife & fork! Cook yourself healthy, low-fat, low-sodium meals at home. Your wallet & your waistline will thank you for it.

Sip your soup

Studies have shown that a bowl of soup before your meal will curtail your appetite as it is filling & takes a relatively long time to eat. As the brain takes about 20 minutes to realize that the body is full, soup sipping is particularly useful in quantity control.

Social events don't have to feature food

The worst part of a diet isn't watching your food- it's watching everybody else's! Friends & fun do not have to be centred around food. Instead of meeting for lunch or dinner, join a fitness centre together or take a walk together. You'll get a thrill out of enjoying each other's company & knowing that at the same time you're improving your health & fitness levels!

Dump convenience foods from your diet

As a thumb-rule, non-fresh foods usually contain added chemicals, a high amount of sodium and fat. This is exactly what adds to their shelf life! They don't, however, do your body any good.

Keep healthy snacks close at hand

Destiny shapes our ends, but caloric intake is what shapes our middles! Keep things like fruits, vegetables, sandwiches made of whole wheat bread & no butter close at hand. When those hunger pangs burst in, you'll want to grab the first available edible item. Make sure it's low on fat & calories, while being nutritionally rich.

Read labels

Get into the good habit of reading food labels. If there are some ingredients you can't pronounce, leave alone identify, then the chances are high that this meal is loaded with chemicals. Avoid it.

Drop the salt

Add the zing to your meal by using chilly sauce, black pepper, vinegar, paprika seeds, mustard or limejuice instead of salt. Besides keeping your blood pressure in check, you'll cut down on that belly bloat you'll otherwise get from salt consumption. You'll be surprised to find that your food will taste better too!

It's okay to gain 1.5 to 2 kgs. every decade, after the age of 20

Don't fear aging. Putting on a bit of weight as we get older is good for the body & the soul. Extreme thinness can increase the risk of osteoporosis. A very thin face is also far more likely to show wrinkles at an earlier stage.

Eat smart on the job!

Overeating is not the way up the corporate ladder! Eat simple, sensible food. It'll keep from you feeling sleepy, lazy & sluggish all day. Keep your mind on the business at hand. Stay focussed.

Check on inch-loss, not weight-loss

Though you might have been working out diligently, your weight might stay the same. This is because you've probably built up on muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat. That's great. Therefore go by the measure tape, how your clothes fit, & how you look in the mirror- not by the weighing scale.

Think Thin!

Mind over matter. Carry yourself, walk & think like a thin person. It works wonders.

Credit Yourself

See how far you've come with your plan & how much you've accomplished. Compare old photographs of yourself when you were at your heaviest with recent ones- huge difference! Imagine how great you'll look & feel when you do reach your eventual goals!

Ask Me!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Dear Nawaz,

What exactly do fat burners do? Are they both effective & safe ?
- Wondering

Fat burners usually claim to speed up the body's metabolism, thereby increasing energy expenditure, or caloric output.

Generally speaking, the problem is that in the process of doing so, there are various side effects. Firstly, the heart rate increases. So does the blood pressure. This can be life threatening to cardiac patients. Secondly, fat burners have not been adequately researched yet, & therefore the full implication of their effect is not entirely known or understood.

It's far safer to combine a sensible diet which limits caloric intake with exercise, while keeping these powders, supplements, pills & potions at bay.

I workout 3-4 times a week. I was wondering if taking protein supplements would help ?
- Curious

Most of us (even vegetarians) consume 2- 3 times more protein than the body requires anyway. The body stores excess protein in the form of fat in the body. Excessive protein intake can also do a lot of damage to the liver & kidneys. Unless you are weight training for competition, you do not need any protein supplements. Just make sure that you consume a balanced diet, high on carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables & fibre, & low on fat & simple sugars, & you're set.

What is the best time of day to workout ?
- Early bird

There really is no "best time" to workout. Whatever works for each individual is fine. Many people prefer to finish their workouts off in the morning as they feel that distractions are at a minimum, & they can single-mindedly get their workouts in. They feel there are too many reasons & excuses not to work out at the end of the day. Others prefer to make it a part or their routine to get their workout in at the end of the day on their way home from work. They feel this also helps them unwind. So, it really depends on your lifestyle. Some feel that around 5:00- 5:30 p.m. is ideal as an individual's metabolism is at it's peak at that time, but there is no conclusive evidence to support this as yet.

Although I'm just 25, I've started noticing cellulite on myself, particularly on my hips & thighs. Can exercise do anything to get rid of this problem ?
- Horrified

Unfortunately, there is no total cure to this one, but there is a lot of improving you can do. A balanced diet, rich in fruits & vegetables is crucial. Drink a lot of water, & improve you posture. This will ensure that your body functions at maximum efficiency, allowing for a smooth flow of air to the lungs, & more efficient blood circulation. Avoid crossing your legs at this restricts your blood circulation. Getting a regular massage will help lymphatic drainage, which means that toxins will shift more rapidly from your body. As far as working out goes, exercising aerobically will burn off excess fat & dramatically improve the appearance of your cellulite.

I am 5' 3" tall & weigh 40 kgs. The sight of food puts me off, & I have paranoia of putting on weight. I workout 3- 5 times a week, time permitting. Everyone tells me I am scrawny & need to put on weight. I feel that this is a very personal choice & doesn't concern anyone else. As you are a fitness expert, I would like your advice.
- Skinny

This may not be what you want to hear, but I will have to agree with the rest of the world. For your height, you are grossly underweight. Besides just the visual aspect, this can lead to numerous health problems.

It was Robert Orben (in "The Ad-Libber's Handbook") who said, "She's a perfect 36: 12, 12, & 12.... I think she used to model for thermometers."

Please remember that a perfect figure is not about being scrawny all over, but about being slim in the places one is meant to be slim, & stacked in the places one is meant to be stacked.

From what you say, you seem to be anorexic. Remember that good health is about good mental & physical health, & that one without the other is no good. I would advise you to re-think your position.

My daughter is 10 years old. She's very overweight, but won't control her diet or get an ounce of physical activity in. I'm very concerned as both her parents have a tendency to be overweight. What can I do ?
-Worried Mom

At this age, most kids think that a balanced diet is a hamburger in each hand! I would strongly suggest that you leave her alone. What you say will make no difference to her, in fact it'll probably have the adverse effect & she will do all that you don't want her to, just to defy you. The better thing to do is to (silently) set a good example yourself. Children follow their parent's actions, not their words.

At the end of the day, realize that she is only a child. Let her enjoy her childhood. She will change when she is ready to, & not before this. Give her some space; most kids are quick learners. Your nagging her will achieve nothing but can potentially spoil your relationship with your daughter.

I'm 24 years old & have started developing varicose veins. Can exercise do anything to help me get rid of them ?
- Paranoid

There are quite a few ways of keeping the problem to a bare minimum. Yes, exercise can improve the condition. Cardio workouts will increase cardiac & respiratory suction action. Weight or strength training also results in improved pumping action. Include stretches for the lower limbs. This will help the peripheral veins.

I've been exercising regularly 6 days a week for the past few months. I was wondering if this is bad for the hair, as I now have to wash it everyday or atleast every second day because of my workouts ?
-Beautiful tresses

You have no cause for worry. Ask any beautician or hairstylist & they will tell you that working out is actually great for the hair. The increased & improved circulation stimulates the scalp, keeping the hair healthy, shiny & full.

This may sound like a stupid question, but I'm terribly fond of rich food, & horribly lazy to ever be able to exercise, but need to lose fat, & fast. How do I go about it ?
- Easy does it

Sorry ma'am, this may sound like a stupid answer, but unless you decide to wake up, get your act together, & change your ways, don't wait for miracles to happen anytime soon.

A sleepwalker is the only person who gets his rest & exercise at the same time.

I come to your aerobics class 3 times a week, & to your gym 2-3 times a week. I also play squash thrice a week, & swim 2-3 times a week when the weather permits. When I can't swim, I make sure I go for a walk.
In spite of all this, my fat loss seems to have slowed down. Can you shed some light on this situation ?
- Trying too hard

You seem to be over-doing it. Over-exercising actually slows down fat burning. It also exposes you to a greater level of risk of injury due to overuse. Cut back on your activities, & make sure that you combine your efforts with a sensible, restricted, but balanced diet, & that you remain within your target fat-burning zone during exercise. The results will take care of themselves. You'll see.

I have always been careful about maintaining my health & my figure, & have been successful so far. However, with advancing age (I am now 32) I find that it's not so easy anymore. I really have to struggle now, & the results are just not the same. What's going wrong? Please help.
- Dissatisfied

Unfortunately, what Mother Nature giveth, Father Time taketh away.

You've answered your own question! With advancing age, this is a problem we will all have to face. As we get older, our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), that is the rate at which we expend or burn calories, decreases. This means, that to maintain the same figure or physique, as the case may be, we have to workout harder or more frequently, & watch our food intake more diligently. It's not an impossible task; it just takes more effort than before, that's all.

Please remind me: What are the dos & don'ts when doing sit-ups ?
- Forgetful

Make sure that atleast one knee is bent, at about a 90 degree angle. Keeping the head lowered & the spinal column rounded, slowly lift the head, shoulders & upper body off the floor. Simultaneously press the lower back firmly on the floor, while contracting the abs. Exhale while coming up, & inhale while moving back down. While lowering, keep the head & shoulders off the floor. This way, the neck & shoulders aren't strained, & you'll maintain constant pressure on the abs. For a more challenging option, don't sit all the way either. Just sit up a little higher that halfway.

Workin’ Up To The Wedding!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

So D-Day is around the corner, & you want to look your slimmest, sexiest best! How can you get that waistline to look choli-worthy right away?! With a couple of months or so to get your act together, read on to figure out the fastest & most effective way to do it.

It's only a proper combo of cardio exercise & resistance/ strength training that's going to knock those kilos & inches off, while toning & firming you up nicely!

A sensible low-fat, low-sugar eating plan must be combined with your workouts to achieve the result you want. You'll get the best guidance from a qualified nutritionist/ dietician.

If you're new to exercise, start with 3 hours of Cardio, coupled with 2-3 hours of resistance/ strength training a week. Sessions of one hour at a go are ideal, & try & space all your sessions out. If you've been exercising for sometime now, then step up the cardio to 5-6 hours a week, along with 3-4 hours of resistance/ strength training.

Cardio activities include walking, jogging, skipping, stair-climbing, dancing, an aerobic class, step workouts, kick-boxing, slide training, trampoline workouts, biking, roller blading, & ski-ing.

Resistance/ strength training activities include gym training, calisthenics (floor-work), callanetics (reshaping muscles), Pilates, body sculpt classes, & certain forms of yoga.

The best thing to do is to get professional help; join a Fitness Centre which offers you cross training programmes (a wide variety of classes).

Keep a written record of your weight & inches every 2 weeks to mark your regular progress. This is a very important motivational tool.

If you want to speed up the process further, beyond the scope of the below charted-out 2 month programme, then add on a brisk & continuous 45 min- 1 hour walk 2/3 times a week. Keep a check on your pulse every 10-15 minutes during your walk to ensure that you stay between 160- 180 beats per minute, where fat & inch loss is at its optimum. Common pulse location sites are the radial artery, located in line with the thumb at the wrist, & the carotid artery on the side of the neck just below the jaw-line. If your pulse is over 180 beats per minute, it's important to slow down slightly. If it's under 160 beats per minute, then step up the pace! Intersperse your walk with mild, slow jogging for a few minutes every now & again. When you feel a bit out of breath, come back to walking, & when walking seems too easy, go back to light, slow jogging.

Week 1

Join a hi-lo fusion aerobic class in your local fitness centre. They come combined with a good amount of floor work anyway, so you shouldn't have to bother with doing anything more on Week 1. Allow your body to get used to the initial strains & stresses of physical activity at this time.

Week 2

To ensure that monotony doesn't set in & that the body continues to drop weight, inches & fat off fast, switch to another cardio workout for this week. Indoor Biking, for instance, is a very effective option.

Week 3

Continue with Week 2's agenda. Add on an extra bit of resistance training this week, a 45 minute session to start with. A good option would be working with resistance tubes & bands.

Week 4

If you're up to learning something new, getting a fab cardio workout in, & improving balance & coordination, how about roller blading? It's my personal favorite activity! Continue with the resistance training of the previous week, but replace the Indoor Biking with roller blading instead.

Week 5

Even if you're new to exercise, by now it's important to step up your cardio to 5-6 times a week, & strength training to 4-5 times a week. Make sure you keep at least one day a week where you get total rest though. Keep up the roller blading of last week (you must be getting to be quite a pro at it by now!), but change your resistance training this week. Calisthenics & Callanetics are in order now. Again, your local fitness centre will provide these classes. You should have lost 1½- 3 inches per area by now, & you should be feeling more determined than ever to stick to the path.

Week 6

You've been at your cardio activity for 2 weeks now, & it's time again to rotate. Drop the roller blading & switch over to another Cardio activity, Step Classes perhaps! Stick with the Calisthenics & Callanetics of last week though.

Week 7

Keep busy “stepping on it”, but let's shake up your toning bit of it. Drop your Calisthenics & Callanetics & move onto Pilates now, mat or equipment-based is fine.

Week 8

Stair climbing is a good option for the final lap, so to speak! Regarding the firming up, Partner Workouts are a perfect option for this week.

You ought to have lost 3-6 inches in total per area by now, & you should be fitting into a whole new wardrobe, with lots of people commenting on how great you look! J

Congratulations! So now go right ahead & get married!! All the best!

Caution:- Never embark on an exercise programme without your physician's approval.

The programme charted out in this article is for healthy individuals without any apparent health conditions.

Always warm-up before your workout & cool-down post it appropriately.

Nawaz Modi Singhania of Body Art runs a fitness centre which includes Gym training, Workshop classes, a Pilates Hub, Personal training & more at Hughes Road, Mumbai. 
Tel- 2380 2602/ 5929

The Pregnant Exerciser

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Over & over again, we've seen women look just as good, if not better, after childbirth. If you put in the effort, it can be done.

By working out diligently & safely, improving eating habits, increasing rest, eliminating bad habits, & receiving adequate prenatal care, a pregnant exerciser can become healthier than ever before.

Women are often unaware that pregnancy, labour & delivery are like training for & participating in a major athletic event. All organs & systems are affected. They are stressed enormously in preparation, formation & growth of the baby.

Did you know that the uterus enlarges 10- 15 times within the span of 36 weeks? No other muscle or organ has such a fantastic ability to grow in such a short space of time.

Achievable Goals During Pregnancy

Cardiovascular fitness can be maintained & even improved during pregnancy. One will enjoy greater levels of energy to get through the day.

Women can increase their muscular strength during pregnancy, thereby automatically reducing her risk of injury.

A pregnant woman also improve her posture substantially by developing her musculoskeletal system. Strengthening the abdominals counteracts lordosis, which is a common postural deviation during pregnancy. Working on upper body strength can prevent rounded shoulders. Improvement of posture improves a pregnant woman's stability.

Flexibility is an attainable & a desirable goal during pregnancy.

Psychological well-being
Improved self-image & body image are easily met when pregnant women exercise in a supportive environment. It's important to avoid excessive weight gain, but to learn to cope comfortably with the healthy increase in body weight. This will prevent the pregnant woman from feeling alienated from her body. Exercise can also reduce anxiety & stress.

Exercise & the birth process
There is no scientific evidence available to corroborate the view that exercise will ease labour by making it easier or shorter, or that the risk of complications will be diminished.

However, exercise contributes towards improved endurance or stamina, which is a great asset during labour. One is better able to use the correct muscles, apply the right amount of pressure, & to effectively relax those muscles which are not directly involved in the different stages of labour.

Exercise also increases ones awareness of correct breathing, & its impact on muscular efficiency. The ability to breathe with control is of great aid to a woman's management of her own labour.

Finally, exercise helps you regain your original shape & size much faster post-pregnancy, than if you didn't exercise at all.

Take Into Careful Consideration:

Although pregnant women are not weak, fragile creatures, many issues need to be understood & considered, & alterations made accordingly.

Physical work capacity will decrease during the first trimester, increase during the second (although not to pre-pregnancy levels), & then reduce again in the third.

As hormone production (estrogen & progesterone) increases, one may feel nauseous, irritable, experience dramatic mood-swings or feel just plain God-awful.

At the end of the first trimester, even when at rest, the heart has to work 40% harder than usual. The heart rate increases by 10 beat per minute. That's a stupendous 14,000 extra times each day!

As a result of all of this, your blood pressure may become higher, & your body temperature will increase.

As the baby grows bigger & becomes heavier, your centre of gravity will constantly be changing. One may find that their balance is off, & that they feel awkward & clumsy. As a result of your internal organs shifting or being pushed out of the way, you may find the pressure on your bladder mounting, & you might need to get to the bathroom more often than before.

The body releases a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy, which results in ligament, muscle, tendon & joint laxity. This is essential in order to accommodate the growing feotus. So you may find that you're more flexible than ever before.

Breasts may become very tender as a result of all the new vessels & ducts that are developing. The thyroid may become slightly larger as a result of the enlargement of the pituitary gland. The placenta also produces a hormone that causes the thyroid to enlarge. There'll be an increase in white blood cell production blood cell production to help you fight infections.

These changes warrant attention as they can make you more vulnerable to injury. Prenatal exercise must be designed to meet these special needs. As long as one begins slowly and progresses at a comfortable pace, risk of injury is minimal.

Do's & Don'ts

The following guidelines aim at making your exercise sessions more comfortable & effective, while focussing on safety.

  • See your gynaec
    Always consult with your doctor or gynaec before you embark on an exercise programme. Make sure you get his/her recommendations or restrictions down as far as exercise goes. Each one of us is individual & needs individual advice & attention.

  • Always warm-up & cool-down
    A minimum of 5- 7 minutes for both a warm-up & a cool-down are essential. Include limbering & whole body moves along with stretches. The warm-up will help you stretch out, & get the heart, lungs & muscles ready for exercise. It's also a very important tool in injury prevention. The cool-down helps you stretch & relax the muscles you have worked so hard, while eliminating the waste products of exercise from your system. It will return your circulation & metabolism to resting levels.

  • Don't put up with pain or discomfort
    Pain & discomfort are signs to stop. Listen to your body.
    Remember that a change in the baby's position can also make an exercise comfortable at one point in time & uncomfortable at another. In pregnancy, the old saying, "no pain, no gain" is nonsense & can be outright dangerous.

  • Breathe
    Never hold your breath. Doing this can raise your blood pressure, cause headaches & dizziness, & put too much pressure on the abdomen. Breathe freely, deeply & regularly.

  • Heart Rate
    Low to moderate intensities are preferred during pregnancy. Never go high on intensity. This can lead to serious damage. Your heart rate range is best worked out & monitored in conjunction with your physical trainer.

  • Ideally, let a well trained, qualified fitness Instructor tailor an effective, low impact workout for you. Among other things, they will eliminate all cross body moves, as the abdomen interferes, & all forward bending moves as they may cause dizziness. Hyperflexion of the joints, such as deep knee plies will also be avoided, as the increased joint laxity we discussed earlier can lead to joint damage, if one is not careful.

Finally, remember to do what you comfortably can. Don't try & compete with your former self. Do as much or as little as your body comfortably allows.

For Starters

Here are a few simple exercises you can begin with.

For the inner thighs.
Sit leaning up against a wall, with your knees bent & the soles of your feet together. Cross your arms, & place your hands on the inner side of your thighs above the knee joints. Take a deep breath in, & while breathing out, try to press your knees together as you gently resist with your hands. Start by doing 2 sets of 8.

For the outer thighs & hips.
While lying down on your side as demonstrated, lift the outer leg up as you breathe out, & lower it, without allowing it to touch the lower leg, as you breathe in. Begin by doing 2 sets of 8 on each leg.

For the abdominals.
Sitting with your knees apart & bent, arms extended out parallel to the floor, slowly roll back halfway from sitting up & lying down. Keep the chin close to your chest & your spine rounded. Slowly return back to the upright position. Start by doing this 6-8 times, & then gradually build it up to 15.

For the arms, chest, upper back & shoulders. This can be described as a mini push-up. Standing about two feet away from the wall with your feet shoulder width apart, place your hands on the wall at shoulder level. Bend your arms to the extent where the upper body is almost touching the wall. Don't let the back arch, your butt jut out, or the pelvic sag forward. Breathe out & push yourself slowly away from the wall without letting your elbows lock. Start with five repetitions, & gradually build it up to 15.

Before you embark on any fitness regimen, remember to fully understand the implications of pregnancy, the changes one undergoes physically, psychologically & emotionally, & the possible effects of exercise on the same. You should be aware of the common discomforts of pregnancy, & warning signals to stop exercising. Discuss them freely with your medical practitioner & trainer. Get information from your trainer about appropriate clothing & footwear. Your trainer will make significant changes in the mode, duration, frequency & intensity of the workout.

Nothing should be done without the knowledge, consent, & written medical clearance of your gynaec.

Remember, healthy mothers produce healthy babies! All the best!

Postpartum Fitness

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Are you a young mum, looking to get back into shape fast post delivery? If so, you've come to the right place!

As you already know, it's only a combination of a sensible diet & exercise that's going to do the trick! But there's a huge grey area on when, how, what, & more…. So let's get a few things straight here.

You'll need a well-balanced combination of both cardio & resistance/ strength training in. Get 4-5 cardio sessions a week in, of about 40-50 minutes each, along with 2-3 30-40 minute sessions of strength/ resistance training per week. Preferably join a fitness centre & let the professionals tweak your workout for you, for maximum result & to ensure safety.

There are many do's & don'ts to postpartum fitness, & these will naturally be incorporated into your routine by your trainer.

Having said this, incase you'd like to workout on your own time at home, here are some exercises that are particularly relevant to the postpartum exerciser.

  • Kegel exercises- to keep the pelvic floor firm & maintain control.
  • Anterior tilt exercises- to counter a common postural deviation of pregnancy, lordosis, or the swayback, which the pregnant woman tends to unconsciously adopt in order to compensate for her changing centre of gravity due to additional weight around the mid-section. If not corrected, this leads to a back ache. Post delivery too, this is best continued for a while.
  • Lower back stretches & strengthening exercises. The lower back is a common site of pain & discomfort during & post pregnancy. Keeping the back relaxed via stretching exercises, & strong via strengthening exercises can alleviate back pain & discomfort.
  • Upper back stretches. One of the effects of lordosis (swayback) is that it throws the shoulders backward excessively, causing the upper back to ache & even cramp from time to time. Upper back stretches will ease the area out & get rid of any pain & discomfort.
  • Quadricep strengtheners. It's important to keep the muscles in the front of the thighs very strong during & post pregnancy in order to help the knees (which are a weak joint essentially) cope with the extra postpartum weight.
  • Hip toners. As many women spread out & sag at the hips during pregnancy, gluteal (butt muscle) exercises will help counter this problem.
  • Abdominal exercises will help pull back & tighten your overstretched & sometimes sagging belly. If you've had a C-Section not too long ago, exercise caution when working those lower abs.

There are many specifications to the above. Workout preferably under adequate supervision, under a qualified prenatal fitness trainer's care.

Remember that every individual is different & what is/ isn't appropriate for each person may vary vastly.

Get postpartum medical clearance to exercise. Those who've had a C-Sec need to start exercise later than those who've had a normal delivery.

As in pregnancy, of particular importance postpartum is the increased intake of proteins, iron, calcium, Vitamin C, fibre & complex carbs, for feeding mothers. A qualified nutritionist or your obstetrician would be the best person to determine & quantify each individual's specific dietary needs.

Protein, the basic building block of growth, can be consumed in the form of fish, other seafood, poultry, eggs, meat, milk & milk products, soya, lentils & sprouts. A feeding mother requires 1,600 mg per day. It is usually recommended that part of this be consumed in the form of supplementation, & part from food.

Some iron-rich sources of food include dark meat of chicken, watermelon, strawberries, black raisins, spinach, dark green, & leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C will keep your immune system boosted, which tends to be at a low postpartum. Citrus fruits & Vitamin C tablets are usually recommended.

Eating small snacks at regular intervals right through the day, as opposed to 3 large meals & no snacking, will pull your weight back under control. Consuming complex carbs, such as rice, potatoes, vegetables & fruits will also do the same.

Cut back on the oils, sugars, pastries, the whites, mayonnaise, butter, & cream. Avoid anything which has an extended shelf-life. To extend the shelf-life of foods, oil, salt, preservatives or sugar will be added by manufacturers, all of which will lead to weight-gain, aside from the fact that it's unhealthy.

Never take supplements without consulting your medical practitioner.

NB- This article gives one general guidelines, but a qualified nutritionist & a Fitness Professional (in conjunction with your gynaec) would be the best persons to determine & quantify each individual's specific dietary & exercise requirements.

  • Kegel exercises- to keep the pelvic floor firm & maintain control. These are the muscles that shut off the urine flow. Contract them while exhaling, hold for a few moments, & relax them while inhaling.
  • Anterior tilt exercises- to counter a common postural deviation of pregnancy, lordosis, or the swayback, which the pregnant woman tends to unconsciously adopt in order to compensate for her changing centre of gravity due to additional weight around the mid-section. If not corrected, this leads to a back ache. Post delivery too, this is best continued for a while. Stand with your back against a wall, feet shoulder width apart & about 6 inches away from the wall. Press the mid back into the wall & tilt your pelvic forward while doing this. Hold this position for a few seconds while breathing normally, & then relax.
  • Lower back stretches & strengthening exercises. The lower back is a common site of pain & discomfort during & post pregnancy. Keeping the back relaxed via stretching exercises, & strong via strengthening exercises can alleviate back pain & discomfort. An easy way to stretch the lower back out is to lie down on your back & then hug your knees into your chest. To strengthen the back, lie on your stomach with the arms extended up overhead. Lift the opposite arm & leg up by about 4” off the floor simultaneously while exhaling & lower while inhaling. Switch the arm & leg. Ensure that the legs remain totally straight when doing this exercise, & that when lifting, it is done straight up & not at a diagonal.
  • Upper back stretches. One of the effects of lordosis (swayback) is that it throws the shoulders backward excessively, causing the upper back to ache & even cramp from time to time. Upper back stretches will ease the area out & get rid of any pain & discomfort. A simple way to do this would be to hug yourself really tight, rounding the shoulders inward & trying to walk the fingers as close to your spine as possible.
  • Quadricep strengtheners. It's important to keep the muscles in the front of the thighs very strong during & post pregnancy in order to help the knees (which are a weak joint essentially) cope with the extra postpartum weight. Squats & lunges are a good way to do this.
  • Hip toners. As many women spread out & sag at the hips during pregnancy, gluteal (butt muscle) exercises will help counter this problem. Back lunges are a great way to tone up the butt.
  • Abdominal exercises will help pull back & tighten your overstretched & sometimes sagging belly. If you've had a C-Section not too long ago, exercise caution when working those lower abs. Modified sit-ups, crunches & reverse curls are good exercises to begin with.

On all of the above strengthening exercises, begin by doing 2 sets of 10-12 reps. Regarding the stretches, hold each stretch for 20-40 seconds while breathing normally.

For a large variety of prenatal & postnatal fitness classes, pilates hub & gym sessions, contact the writer's centre, Body Art on 022 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

My Prenatal & Postnatal Diet

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Of particular importance during pregnancy is the increased intake of proteins, folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin C, fibre & complex carbs. They play very vital roles in fetal development & health, & the health of the mother.

In fact one's diet must be given importance even before conception. The healthier one is before pregnancy, the healthier the to-be mother & the infant will tend to be. Exercise plays a very important role here too!

It is a generally accepted fact that the fetus, as a parasite, will take the nutrients that it requires, & that if anyone suffers, it will first tend to be the mother.

Protein, the basic building block of growth, can be consumed in the form of fish, other seafood, poultry, eggs, meat, milk & milk products, soya, lentils & sprouts. A pregnant woman requires approximately 1,200 mg of Calcium daily, while a feeding mother requires 1,600 mg per day. It is usually recommended that part of this be consumed in the form of supplementation, & part from food.

As pregnancy can tend to lead to anemia, due to the iron requirement of pregnancy being steep, an iron-rich diet is also important. Some iron-rich sources of food include dark meat of chicken, watermelon, strawberries, black raisins, spinach, dark green, & leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C will keep your immune system boosted, which tends to be at a low during pregnancy & postpartum. Citrus fruits & Vitamin C tablets are recommended.

Fruits & vegetables will provide fibre, keeping constipation (which is common during pregnancy) at bay. They'll also provide the nutrients & vitamins required to support the pregnancy.

Eating small snacks at regular intervals right through the day, as opposed to 3 large meals & no snacking, will keep your weight under control & will keep your blood sugar levels in check. Consuming complex carbs, such as rice, potatoes, vegetables & fruits will also do the same.

And finally, remember, that's it's not just what goes into the lower part of your skull, but also what goes into the upper part that's important! The happier, the more positive, & the more mentally active you remain through the pregnancy, the better off you'll both be!

Note:- Never take supplements without consulting your medical practitioner.

This article gives one general guidelines, but a qualified nutritionist or your obstetrician would be the best person to determine & quantify each individual's specific dietary needs.

For a large variety of prenatal & postnatal fitness classes, pilates hub & gym sessions, contact the writer's centre, Body Art on 022 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

All In The Family!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Why do some people lose weight a lot faster than others do by making less of an effort? Why do some people have the tendency of putting on fat in certain parts of the body only? Why does exercise produce different results on different people, in spite of the dietary intake & training regimen being the same?

Whether you like it or not, we're all subject to heredity. We are the genetic products of our parents, & their parents, going back into the generations. As close as you any get to any family member in physical appearance, your genetic blue print is still unique to you, & predetermines your health & fitness profile to a large degree.

Today's article will identify the health & fitness parameters which may & may not be altered through exercise & diet.


With the exception of identical twins, every person is different genetically from all others. This is so as they are the product of a single egg. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are no more genetically alike than any other siblings are.

Every individual's genetic make up comprises of a "genotype" & numerous "phenotypes". The genotype is the basic combination of all genes in the body, & phenotypes are the traits through which genes are expressed, for instance, eye colour, facial features & blood pressure. Now the genetic effect, that is the degree to which genes play a role, varies. Genetic effect tends to affect structure more than function. For instance, the size of the lungs have a high genetic effect, whereas the rate of ventilation has lower genetic effect.

From a cellular standpoint, each person is different from all others, the only exception to this rule being identical twins. Because they are the product of a single egg, they are essentially the same person in duplicate.

Put basically, heredity will also play a large role in people who are high responders, average responders, low responders & non-responders to change. This is why some people lose weight, or improve their fitness level much faster & more easily than others. This is a variation in phenotypes.

Research Impact

The difference in phenotypes, & their responses to stimuli allows the scientist to study the role of genetics. If, for instance, 50 people started a training programme, & in spite of the same environment if fat loss varied greatly within the group, then it would be concluded that genetics played a significant role. This is known as genetic effect.

The Effect Of Genetics On Physical Fitness

Genetics has a major effect on linear measures, for instance, height, the length of a person's trunk, arms & legs. In other words, these phenotypes are said to have a high genetic effect. For example, tall parents are known to commonly have tall children. In a family, one child may be the shortest, because that child's height was inherited from perhaps the paternal grandmother.

There is, however, a low to moderate effect on circumference, breadth of various body parts, because these can be altered by exercise & a controlled, sensible diet.

About muscle size, strength & composition (percentage of fast twitch & slow twitch muscle fibres), studies have determined that there is a high genetic effect. It is important to differentiate that the effect of genetics is higher as it relates to muscle structure, & lower as it relates to muscle function.

Similarly, as far as the size & volume (structure) of the lungs go, there is a high genetic effect, but when it comes to respiratory rates (function), the effect is low.

As far as the cardiovascular system goes, the size of the heart & coronary arteries, all have a high genetic component, but the functional measure of blood pressure has a lower genetic effect, as BP can be modified by diet, lifestyle, exercise, and so on.

Note, that someone can genetically have a high level of fitness, in spite of being inactive, while the reverse is equally true! The bottom line being, fitness & activity are not necessarily the same. Yes, it is true that more active people tend to be fitter, & vice versa, but it would be hard to judge the majority of people who fall somewhere in between these two extremes, based only on levels of activity.

Role Of Genetics In Health & Weight Management

Did you know that the amount of calories consumed & the preference for certain types of foods appear to be influenced by genetics? Researchers have studied the effect of genetics on obesity in wide scale investigations of families, twins & adopted children. From these studies it has been estimated that the effect of genetics on obesity is 2-40 % (Bouchard, 1996).

Health measures such as body composition, predisposition to certain disorders & lifestyle factors, such as smoking & drinking, are also influenced in varying degrees by genetics.

The pattern of body fat (tendency to retain fat I in certain areas), the total body fat (subcutaneous & internal fat) & the size of fat cells all have a high fat component. Genetics also plays a huge role in weight lost or gained, & the rate at which this occurs.

Exercise Implications

Results of extensive research show that different people or phenotypes respond differently to training. High responders tend to be in the same families, while low responders too, tend to be in the same families. It is determined that nearly 50 % of the variation among subjects in response to exercise can be explained by genetics.

The Bottom-line

Most health problems & degeneration in industrialized countries today are associated more with lifestyle than with genetics. For instance, the alarming rate of rising obesity over the past few decades can be attributed not to genetics, but to reduced physical activity, & increased dietary consumption.

However, even phenotypes considered to have low to moderate genetic effect, are to some extent influenced by heredity. Most phenotypes are extremely complex, & are influenced by many different genes. To add to this, there are a variety of interactions between genes, & even between those genes & the environment.

On a realistic level, we need to understand that not every individual will respond the same way to exercise, or any other change in environment. Given that so many genes are involved, the fact that one person is a non-responder for one phenotype (e.g. reduced fat levels with a change in diet), does not mean that he or she is a non-responder for another phenotype (e.g. an improvement in lung capacity). Nevertheless, opposed to common belief, non-responders are not necessarily non-adherers.

Because of genetics, there will always be people who are slimmer, faster, stronger, with better endurance, than others.

It is most important to truly understand & accept, that the process of being active & healthy is more important that the visual product of being fit.

Regularity of activity is the most important factor in reducing problems associated with various chronic, & lifestyle diseases.

In the near future it may be possible to determine each person's individual genetic profile & through this to decide who is at risk for what diseases, & who is a responder to exercise. This sort of profiling would allow medical treatment & advice on lifestyle changes to be individualized. For instance, it might be possible to determine that in a particular person it might be possible to improve the cholesterol levels & lung capacity, but not the ability to lose weight or improve blood pressure. With this information, routines can be tailored for maximum result, & other measures may be considered for areas where exercise may have little effect.

But please don't hold your collective breadth waiting for this genetic Utopia. As our health & fitness phenotypes are so complex, it is unlikely that genetic engineering will produce the magic potion anytime soon.

What is possible, is that someday we will come to realize those traits that diet & exercise can change, & in turn come to accept those that it can't.

So, in the words of Ronald Naebuhr, among others, let us pray that God grant us the serenity to accept the things which we cannot change, the courage to change the things that we can change, & the wisdom to know the difference.

New Frontier

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Exercise adherence is one of the biggest problem most people face. People dodge an exercise programme or drop it for one of two main reasons: Either they're unclear on their own goals & motivating factors, or they give in to hurdles that most regular exercisers are able to ride. These two are interrelated: it's easier to give in to barriers are when you don't quite comprehend what the potential benefits are. To understand the same for starters, personal reflection is important. Planning & organization are the key factors to overcome these barriers. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!

Today's article will focus on understanding some of these external & internal blocks, & strategies to overcome them.

External blocks refer to obstacles such as having to commute long distances to & from work, having multiple responsibilities such as a career, keeping house, managing kids, or being a single-parent, & so on, or keeping long work hours at work.

Internal blocks are basically a congregation of feelings, perceptions, notions & thoughts that people have about exercise & themselves.

External Blocks

This refers to each person's environment & current life conditions. These blocks work from the outside in. These situations pose real time & convenience restrictions to people's ability to commit & stick to an exercise regimen.

Lower income groups face more of these barriers than people of high-income groups do. Lower income groups tend to feel that fitness centres are too highly priced, & inconveniently situated, whereas those belonging to a high-income bracket do not tend to share these concerns. Culture has a huge influence on exercise & adherence to the same. As western culture continues to infiltrate Indian culture, this situation is improving. Exercise adherence can also vary depending on age. For instance, barriers for adults ranging from 60- 78 tend to be injury & ill health, whereas responsibilities towards children, lack of time & low motivation tend to be the main factors for adults from 20- 40.

Internal Blocks

Internal barriers greatly influence novices. These people have often never exercised before, but are thinking about it. They may have mildly dabbled with exercise in some small way. They find a train of excuses not to exercise regularly. Some of their barriers include self-consciousness with regard to body size, low self-esteem, intimidation & embarrassment.

  • Self-consciousness This is a classic obstacle to embarking on a fitness programme. The paranoia is that others will evaluate one's body in a class or gym setting. This concern about visibility & judgement by others is often valid. Many people, particularly women indicate that they would like to exercise in a setting with people who they consider non-judgmental.
  • Low self-esteemSelf-esteem can be defined as the degree to which an individual feels positive or negative about themselves. Each of us has a perception of ourselves, which greatly reflects upon our level of physical activity.
  • Intimidation & Embarrassment These are powerful forces, holding individuals back. Research shows that people would be more open to joining fitness centres if they were less intimidated by those who "already belonged". It's important to take a beginners class initially, & then work one's way up.
  • Stick-to-itiveness Once you've overcome your blocks to this stage, the new level kicks into action. Today we'll focus on two of these blocks when it comes to sticking it out.
  • Result Obsession Benefits, such as getting rid of fat, are important for getting people interested in & starting an exercise programme. But to make exercise a part of one's lifestyle, one has to their shift focus. One has to experience & perceive exercise as a positive, uplifting experience, with numerous benefits to offer such as increased body tone & bone density, increased self-esteem, improved confidence & sleep, increased cardiovascular efficiency, among others. Otherwise, this is bound to be a short stint, & not a lifetime commitment. This failure can easily lead to boredom, & the reluctance to make the time for exercise.
  • Lack of time This is often the number one reason cited for staying away from an exercise programme. While time is often a legitimate barrier, it often is used to mask other concerns such as low self-esteem & intimidation.

Overcoming your blocks

Acute awareness of the above-mentioned problems, & changing our perception of both exercise, & ourselves is the key to overcoming our blocks. Let's discuss some practical ways to help people change their mind about various exercise blocks.

To overcome intimidation, embarrassment & self-consciousness, here are ways to quickly get past these negative feelings.

  • Take on some one-on-one guidance initially from your fitness centre. Meet the staff individually & speak to them freely about your concerns, problem areas, health status, etc. This way the staff will tune in to your specific needs & be able to give you more appropriate personal attention.
  • From time to time, review your exercise goals, & keep a track of your progress, whether it be fat loss & inch loss, increased muscle tone, or anything else, to help you stay motivated & on track.
  • Discuss with your trainer the one or two reasons that might keep you from exercising as frequently as you set out to do. Anticipating & discussing these problems will help you come up with strategies of preventing the same.
  • Take on the centres free Orientation programmes & informative lectures. Use these opportunities to freely discuss goal getting, overcoming hurdles, & personal experiences of exercise.
  • Think about both your short & long-term goals, but don't dwell on them! Enjoy the experience of exercise itself. Feel good about committing to a programme, & making the time for the same.
  • Overload, to avoid plateuing. From time to time, once you have adapted to the exercise programme, you will need to overload in order to see continuous progress. This could be done by increasing the intensity or duration of the workout, or by changing the type of activity performed.
  • Boredom is the number one killer of any exercise routine. You can easily avoid it by taking on different class formats, or by using different exercise equipment. Not only does the novelty engage the mind & have the time pass quickly, but you'll take a leap on the progress scale.
  • Avoid facilities with mirrors just about everywhere! While the mirror is an important tool in checking one's body alignment & form, don't highlight your own physical anxiety by constantly glaring into it. Use it sparingly.

Time Management

The research on the time barrier is clear: Most people who exercise regularly are as busy, & often busier, than those who are physically inactive.

Once you discover the value of physical exercise, it's less likely that you will use the "I don't have the time" excuse for not exercising.

As the saying goes, if you don't make time for exercise, then you'll have to make time for illness!>

Just think of the amount of time that you spend each day by being physically inactive. How much time do you spend daily watching television? Or being fixated in front of your computer monitor? Aren't we starting to lead sedentary lifestyles? What are we consciously doing to make up for this?

Integrate exercise with other basic requirements in life. Many people view exercise as separate from other aspects in life such as social, intellectual, spiritual, & religious needs. We should learn to take a more holistic approach, where all our needs, physical too, are balanced & interwoven with the next. For instance, married couples can use exercise sessions to meet their physical requirements, while simultaneously bonding with their spouse. Mind-body classes such as Pilates can help you explore your spiritual side while providing a great workout.

"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind, & exercise of the body; the two are united.

Alexander Von Humbolt

Break through your barriers, & make exercise a lifetime commitment.

The Season To Be Jolly!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

It's that time of year again! With Diwali gone, & X'Mas & New Year's around the corner, this means innumerable get-togethers, parties, weddings & dinners. And with that, there's always- food!

Looks like it's the food festival again! You'll be surrounded by mounds of dessert, starters, heavy food, alcohol, & the list goes on.... Which will tempt even the most conscious dieter. Are the coming weeks supposed to be filled with joy & cheer? Maybe. But for those of us who're trying to get that fat off & keep it off, this time of year can be most stressful. You still have another couple of weeks to go before you can surf into the New Year safely.

Aside that, the extra time we may spend shopping at this time, is bound to knock any exercise routine right off it's feet!

Let's face it. The odds aren't in your favour. Just relax. With a little careful handling, & some amount of jugglery, you can come out on top of this. Today's article will show you how.

Some Holiday Survival Tips

Have dinner before you go.

If your dinner invitation says 8 p.m., that probably means that dinner won't be served till it's time for Cinderella's coach to turn into a pumpkin. As the evening drags on, even your fingernails will start to look appetizing. Not looking good! When you're hungry, you'll give into eating anything, & you'll tend to really pack it in.

But if you've nibbled before leaving the house, if you've had a sandwich, salad or soup, you'll be just fine. It'll curb the temptation of eating all those deep fried kebabs, & mini pizzas drowned in melted cheese.

Get a grip (of yourself, not of your love handles!)

Get real. You'll probably end up attending 2-3 parties per week over the next couple of weeks. Opt for wine instead of beer. A glass of wine (especially a red) can lower your cholesterol level.

And remember, if you drink too often to other people's health, you'll end up ruining your own!

This, clubbed along with nibbling away on those appetizers is going to leave you wanting for a new wardrobe at the end of the season, so go easy!

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

The best recipes are on the dinner table during parties. Super! The only problem is that your host expects you to actually eat all that food! In our society, cleaning your plate & going back for seconds & thirds, is the only way to say you enjoyed the meal. Great for the cooks ego; suicidal for your hips!

Instead, why don't you do the sneaky thing & ask your host for the recipe? Imitation is the best form of flattery. Your host will be thrilled that you loved the food so much, that you want to share it with others.

Score brownie points.

Score points with the host by offering to bring some appetizers of your own along. Bring something that pleases both your taste buds, & your hips!

Tit bits.

It's okay to try what looks yummy, but just take a bit, rather than going the whole hog. This way you'll cut down on the calories, but still please your taste buds.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

At your own party, practice what you preach! Limit the number of appetizers you serve, & make sure you keep them as healthy as possible. Choose fresh veggies with light dips & slices of fruit, rather than deep-fried bhajiyas & cheese balls.

Serve dinner at a reasonable hour, & choose seafood or chicken (without the skin) rather than mutton, beef or pork.

If you're like a kitchen mouse, who likes nibbling away constantly while cooking, be smart about it. Keep healthy snacks like grapes or cucumber slices close at hand.

When it comes to dessert, make sure that you serve the same in prearranged bowls, so that they can be served in individual portions. If you're having a dinner for 12, make sure you have only 12 bowls, so there's no extra gooey chocolate cake to wake upto the next morning.

Stay active.

Try to incorporate some additional activity to compensate for the hazards of the season. For instance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk to work. If you've got even just a few minutes, you've got the time for a workout. Where fitness is concerned, something is better than nothing.

Short, effective workouts that combine cardiovascular activities & strength training can help raise energy levels, tone the body, alleviate stress & much more.

Don't forget to warm up & cool down. Preferably, get yourself a good pair of cross training, air-soled shoes, to give you adequate shock absorption & support. Ideally get into cotton gear only. Avoid synthetics such as lycra, spandex & nylon. These synthetics do not allow the body to breathe through the skin, thereby retaining the temperature build-up, which is natural during exercise. Cotton, on the other hand, allows the body to breathe. This will make things a lot easier for you during your workouts. Stay well hydrated. Keep sipping on water during exercise, & drink plenty both before & after.

Remember that activity of any kind is better than nothing.

Of course, if you have the time, then hit your local fitness centre. Sweat it out in the cardio studio, or target strength or resistance training.

If you don't want to do an organized workout, then engage in any activity that you enjoy. If you feel like doing the salsa, or climbing up & down stairs, that's fine too. Just enjoy whatever it is that you're doing. It's all about getting you activated!

Put on your dancing shoes.

If it's a dance party, then dance! You'll burn calories & become a better dancer! Practice makes perfect!

Healthy self-image.

Almost everyone seems to have a problem with themselves! The thin think they're too thin, the fat think they're too fat, the short think they're too short, the tall think they're too tall, & the list goes on! These paranoias seem to peak in the party season, where people feel that they are more on display than before.

Go easy, & be good to yourself! After all, you're all you've got! Relax, & get comfortable with your body, & with who you are as a person.

If you're overweight, stop wearing dark colours in the hope of looking thinner. You won't. You'll just look dreary & dull! Instead, focus on looking the curvaceous, wholesome woman that you are! Wear something that reflects your personality.

Don't compare yourself to everyone else. Genetics, body frames, basal metabolic rates, & many other factors go into our physical appearance. Not all of them are within your control. Be the best that you can be, & be happy about it!

Cut it out.

Many standard recipes can be modified so that you can cut back on the fat, but not on the taste. Here are some ideas.

Instead of using:Try using:
EggsEgg whites only (two egg whites for every whole egg)
CheeseLight cheese
Whole Milk No-fat milk
Sour Cream Light sour cream or low fat yogurt
Oil Use less oil, & a non-stick pan
Chocolate Cocoa
Meat Use lean cuts. Use less, & cut them up into small bits.
Mayonnaise (in salads) Lighter salad dressings like olive oil or vinaigrette
White Bread Whole grain bread

Remember that you're not alone. Everyone hopes to watch his or her weight through this season. It's just a matter of striking the right balance!

Remember that you're not alone. Everyone hopes to watch his or her weight through this season. It's just a matter of striking the right balance!

Step It Up!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

In the fitness arena, Step classes have been going strong for more than a decade now. They have gone well past being a passing fad, & have proved their worth over time. This article views the same carefully.

The Step Height Factor

Healthy people should begin with a four-to five inch step platform. If you find that you're leaning too far forward, you are probably using a level which is too high for your skill level and/or body proportions. This can lead to a lot of pressure on the lower back. If you are stretching yourself up, or hopping your way down, it is obviously too high for you. It is recommended that the knee flexes no more than 90 degrees when stepping up.

While greater stepping heights (8 inches & more) are certainly available, recent studies do not recommend their use.

Both music speed & bench height do have an impact on energy expenditure. Research has shown that there is an additional energy cost for each 2" increase in step height.

The risk of injury (particularly of the lower limbs) far outweighs the benefits as step height increases. The same benefits may be gained through many other means.

Stepping Up Intensity

The use of arms, for example, has about the same effect as about the same effect on caloric output as a 2" increase in step height.

Another way to increase energy cost is to include travelling moves. Focus on choreography rather than risking those greater bench heights.

The Right Shoes

Ideal step trainers need good forefoot flexibility in the forefoot area, along with adequate heel cushioning to counter the stresses on the Achilles tendon area & the other calf muscles. Step shoes, aerobic shoes & cross trainers usually provide superior forefoot cushioning, and adequate foot stability largely because of the wider heel.

If you're reading this, you've already taken a "step" in the right direction. Here are a few odds & ends to watch out for.

Some Pointers

  • Stay well hydrated. Drink water before, during & after your workout. During your workout make sure you don't gulp water; sip it instead. Gulping may lead to a stitch or a cramp.
  • Remember to workout at your own pace, & not someone else's.
  • Make sure you always warm up & cool down. This plays a vital role in injury prevention.
  • If you have a knee problem, get medical clearance from your practitioner before you start. Speak to your trainer about your problem so that they may modify your routine to accommodate your condition. Most often, with correct programming & adequate Instructor supervision, the problem can be reversed & even totally eliminated. Besides working at strengthening the surrounding muscles, your workout will both reinforce & thicken the ligaments & tendons of the knee joint itself.

One Step At A Time

If you're a novice at stepping, remember to start gradually with just the leg work, & stick to low impact moves only. Leave the arms loose by your side. This will help you learn the moves, & you'll notice that the choreography patterns start getting easier. Having pieced this much together, add the arms at a later stage. You'll find that you learn quickly, & the moves start getting easier. Learn to enjoy yourself without worrying about who's looking at you in the mirror. No one is; they're looking at themselves!

Some Basic Moves

Before venturing into an organized step class, it'll be handy for you to pick up on some of the most basic moves of step, which really are the building blocks of the routine. When your Instructor cues you in class, you should know what she's talking about. Here are some cues you'll always hear in class.

The good thing is that the name of each move usually describes the move itself. Let's see how:

Basic Step- Well, think about it. What's the most basic thing you can possibly do with a step? You got it- just step up, & then down.

Wide Step- Is just the same as basic step, except that you do it with your legs apart.

V- Step- This is similar to a Wide Step, except that when coming off the step, your feet come together, just like a "V" narrows down.

Step Tap- Step up onto the bench, & tap the bench with the other foot, & then step off the bench.

Step Knee- Step up onto the bench, the other leg moves into a knee lift, & then step off the step.

Step Kick- This is similar to a Step Knee, except that instead of a knee lift, it's a straight leg kicking up in front.

Step Side Kick- This is similar to a Step Kick, except that instead of kicking in front, you kick to the side.

Lunge- Get onto your step. Let one foot lunge back off your step. When doing this, let the weight of your body remain on the step, & don't let it shift back. When lunging, make sure that the heel of the lunging foot remains off the floor at all times. This is an important safety precaution for the lower limbs. Lean slightly forward as well, to ensure that the back doesn't arch while lunging. This will protect & support the mid & lower back.

Across The Top- Starting by standing near one of the narrow ends of the step, get on top of the step, & go over it to the other side, having covered the entire length.

Over The Top- This is similar to the above move, but you start by standing near one of the broader ends of the step, & you travel over to the other side having covered the breath of your step.

Step Curl- Step up onto the bench with one foot, & curl the other leg back before stepping back off.

Any form of exercise performed incorrectly, without adequate attention to alignment, technique & form, or without adequate supervision, can lead to injury. It's crucial, in injury prevention, to incorporate the following safety guidelines.

  • Step with a neutral foot.
    This is important in order to maintain balance, & in order to reduce the amount of stress on the ankle, foot & legs. If you step too frequently on the ball (or the front) of your foot without allowing the heel to be placed down, you risk lower limb injuries. If you're stepping with a bounce, be careful not to remain on the ball of your foot. Make sure your foot strike goes as toe-ball-heel, & not just toe-ball.
  • Don't overhang.
    Place the entire surface of the foot right in the centre of your step. Don't let the heel hang off over the edge. This way, you greatly reduce the likelihood of tripping, falling, or twisting an ankle.
  • Step straight down
    Many people have a tendency of stepping too far back from the step. This places the calf muscles & the foot under additional stress. This is compounded with the fact that one is moving rapidly, & specially if one is stepping down from a taller height. When coming off your bench, step down, not back.
  • If you are using weights on or around your bench area, make sure that they are safely tucked away from where you will be stepping.
  • Keep your stepping area dry, so that you don't slip.
  • Make sure you are exercising on a suspended wood floor. They absorb upto 2.5 times your body weight. This is very important in reducing the shock to your joints, particularly of the lower limbs.
  • Never lock any joints back. Be particularly careful of this when it comes to the knees & the elbows. While often you want to straighten the same out, it is important not to hyperextend the joints, in the interest of injury prevention.

Did you know that some companies like Speedo have actually developed an aquatic exercise step? Aquatic stepping is a challenging low-impact workout, suitable for participants of all age groups & varying abilities. It utilizes the natural resistance & buoyancy of water in a multidirectional exercise pattern.

The benefits of step training are well known, & include fat loss, increased muscle tone, increased cardiovascular fitness, increased stamina & flexibility, denser & stronger bone, & much more.

So, don't just sit there! Step on it!!!

Pilates - Method Of Body Conditioning

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

It is said that the condition of a man can best be judged by what he takes two-at-a-time-- stairs or pills.

All encompassing, the 70-year old internationally acclaimed workout method called Pilates, offers itself to just about everyone, from the sedentary office worker, housewife, the athlete & the professional dancer.

Tell Me More.....

It was developed in the 1920's by the legendary physical trainer & founder of the Pilates Studio, Joseph H. Pilates. The Pilates Method is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength for the total body, without building bulk. Winners don't do different things; they just do things differently.

"It is the mind which builds the body," said Joseph Pilates.

Not surprisingly, one of the first to use the Pilates Method was dancer Martha Graham, & it was she who said, "The body is your instrument in dance, but your art is outside that creature, the body".

The Pilates Method of body conditioning promotes physical harmony and perfect balance for people of all ages and physical conditions, while producing a refreshing and revitalizing workout.

Sessions are held in closely supervised small groups, each being tailored to cater to an individual's specific needs.

Recently discovered by physical therapists, chiropractors & orthopedics, the Pilates Method can permeate into rehabilitative exercise and physical therapy courses, designed to speed up the recovery of soft tissue injuries.

The Pilates Method is a series of approximately 500 exercises. Exercises can be done both free hand involving just a mat, or by utilizing exercise equipment.

Currently, the Pilates Method is used internationally by individuals at all levels of fitness as well as by dance companies, Broadway shows, students at performing arts schools and universities, sports teams, health spa clients, and fitness enthusiasts at health clubs and gyms.

Little wonder that actresses Katherine Hepburn, Sigourney Weaver & Glen Close, tennis great Martina Navratilova, singer Nancy Sinatra, & even film star Gregory Peck have turned to this system.

It can be used safely by pregnant women to learn proper breathing and body alignment, improve concentration, and recover body shape & tone after pregnancy.

Strengthens & Conditions the whole body

Other programmes take a "body parts" approach to conditioning, with a specific isolated exercise approach for each muscle group. The Pilates Method, on the other hand, compounds muscle groups & trains the whole body, coordinating the upper & lower musculature with the body's centre.

The balanced body method elongates as it strengthens & stretches, resulting in long, strong & lean muscles.

The exercises are totally non-impact and non-weight bearing, producing fast results.

No muscle group is over-trained or under-trained. The entire musculature is evenly conditioned. This style of exercise is well known for producing sleek, strong, muscular bodies.

The Balanced Body Method should be combined with effective aerobic activity such as a class, jogging, walking, a racket game or cycling for complete programming of both muscular & cardiovascular fitness.

What Makes Pilates Stand Apart?

As we're all aware, our minds have unbelievable powers over our body.

More complex than other forms of exercise, Pilates, a fusion of western & eastern philosophies, teaches you about breathing with movement, balance, body mechanics, strength, spatial awareness, positioning of the body and flexibility. Exercises are performed from a reclining, standing, kneeling or sitting position.

For the full benefit of the method, clients need to flow from one movement to the next building stamina and cardiovascular fitness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Method accomplish ?

It relieves back pain, controls weight disorders, relieves stress and stress-related disorders. It is used to improve flexibility of the muscles and joints. It lengthens and strengthens the body. The posture is corrected by correcting the body's coordination, balance, and alignment. It stimulates the circulatory system, & oxygenates the blood, thus releasing endorphins.

It helps heal injured tissues, & is used in the prevention of osteoporosis (brittle, porous bones).

Who can use the Pilates Method ?

Active people who lead stressful lives, athletes, such as football, cricket and basketball players, skiers, golfers, tennis and racquetball players, dancers, actors, musicians and all performing artists. It can be used by those with tissue damage, senior citizens, pregnant women, and all men and women, and boys and girls over 6 years of age. The Method is also very productive for those who lead sedentary lives. So really, it's for any & everybody.

When and why was the Pilates Method started ?

Joseph H. Pilates was a sickly child who suffered from all sorts of ailments such as asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. As a teenager in the 1890s, he began his lifelong quest to improve his health. Eventually, he developed some 500 exercises that helped him and his followers lead a long and healthy life. In 1926, he moved from Germany to New York City and established his own fitness studio, attracting many dancers, athletes, and businessmen, & people from all walks of life.

What is the primary focus of Pilates ?

To develop the body and mind uniformly. To concentrate on the Powerhouse, including working the abs and glutes; to exercise the heart & other internal organs; to gain power and feline grace.

Can a person lose weight by doing Pilates ?

By using the Pilates Method, you will tone all your muscles and lose inches around the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. In conjunction with a proper diet, the Method promotes a lean, sleek and graceful appearance.

Can a person do Pilates in conjunction with other exercises ?

Yes, there is no prohibition from combining other exercise programs with Pilates depending upon your goals.

Do I develop large muscles with Pilates ?

Not at all. Long lean defined muscles are developed.

How many hours a week do I need to spend on Pilates ?

For beginners, the recommendation is 2- 3 days per week.

For what length of time should I do Pilates ?

For life! As long as you have a physical existence, you require physical exercise! Many people have worked with the Method their entire adult life.

I have an ongoing back condition. What should I do ?

A large number of people use the Method to improve their back problems with excellent results. When you strengthen the Powerhouse, change muscle length, re-balance and relax the body, and correct postural deviations, you alleviate many back problems and/or prevent them from occurring. Always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program to correct back problems.

Can the Method help people with soft tissue damage ?

Yes. Many people with soft tissue injuries, especially athletes and performing artists, can repair damage to the body using the Pilates Method.

Do I need to follow a special diet ?

There is no special diet required for the program. Eat a noraml, healthy, sensible diet.

If I'm a senior citizen, can I do Pilates ?

Yes, with your doctor's approval. Joseph H. Pilates used the Method into his 80s, and many elderly people in their 60s and 70s work out several days a week.

Birth of Pilates

In 1923, German-born Joseph Pilates introduced his novel & revolutionary method of physical & mental conditioning to the U.S.A. As a child, Pilates was an asthmatic. This acted as a motivator to him, to improve his strength & physique.

Joe was a gymnast and pugilist who had stimulating & novel ideas about fitness & rehabilitation following physical injury. In a British internment camp in World War I, Pilates rigged a hospital bed so that patients could begin their recovery while still flat on their backs. This idea evolved into the Cadillac, one of the main components of what was to become a whole method of exercise, which Joe called "Controllogy". That name never stuck, but Joe's surname certainly did.

By the 1940's, Joe had achieved notoriety in the dance community. At some time or other virtually every dancer in New York had submitted to the spirited instruction of Joe Pilates.

By the early 1960's, Pilates was becoming popular outside New York.

As the New York Herald Tribune noted in 1964, "In dance classes around the United States, hundreds of young students limber up daily with an exercise they know as a pilates, without knowing that the word has a capital P, and a living, right-breathing namesake."

When Joe passed away, he left no will and had appointed no line of succession for his work to carry on. Nevertheless, his work was to remain through the efforts of his disciples.


By Nawaz Modi Singhania

On The Fitness Scene

Any idea what's new & happening on the fitness scene? Haven't you heard?- Gyrokinesis & Gyrotonics!

Gyrokinesis is a floor designed programme, while Gyrotonics is equipment- based.

Introducing Gyrokinesis!

Gyrokinesis is the core of the Juliu Horvath System, developed in the 1970's, and is fast-gaining popularity of more recent times. It was initially structured & created out of Horvath's own personal struggle with chronic pain, injury & disability.

Gyrokinesis is a “feel-good” system, which is centered around the same principles as Gyrotonics.

The system incorporates many key principles from yoga, dance, tai-chi & gymnastics.

Benefits Of The System

The primary goal of the system is to teach the body to move with fluidity, relaxation & power. Long, lean, slim, but strong bodies are the product of this exercise method. Head to toe, the entire body & its musculoskeletal system are zeroed into.

The core, consisting of the mid & lower back, & abdominals is strengthened & lengthened. Over-tense muscles are released & stretched. Increased range of motion & developing coordination are other benefits.

People of all ages and all walks of life stand to benefit from this system.

In Preparation

It needs nothing more than a stool & mat to be performed, so one may even perform the exercises in the comfort of one's home, or anywhere else one chooses.

Participants should wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Cottons are always the preferred choice of fabric. Exercises are to be performed bare-foot.

Types Of Movements Engaged

Exercises may be performed in the sitting, standing or lying down position.

A series of gentle, rhythmic & systematic motions release, stimulate & invigorate the body. Through repetitive, flowing movements, the entire body is released of stiffness, blood circulation is improved, & the internal organs & nervous system are stimulated & further activated.

In all movements, the key focus remains on the spine so that the entire linked, functional chain of muscles of the extremities are activated.

Syncing breathing patterns with the exercises stimulate the nervous system correctly, while opening up energy pathways, and helping the body to release toxic waste products which will be flushed away by the circulatory system.

Movements are not held for long periods of time, & so unnecessary tenseness is prevented. Instead, the moves are strung together by a smooth, flowing connectivity, while harmoniously using the breath. Exercises therefore seem more like dance than traditional exercises. Dynamism & fluidity are at the heart of Gyrokinesis.

Who Should Participate

People of all ages & fitness levels stand to gain from this method. Participants are encouraged to work entirely at their own pace.

Being a non-impact exercise, senior citizens too find great value from the methodology. A variety of health problems can be controlled, & in many cases, reversed. The system is used extensively in rehabilitation centers, dance studios, sports training and fitness facilities all over the world. The exercises are gainfully employed at the workplace for relaxation in the case of those who run one-sided postural hazards.

Some History

Juliu Horvath, a Hungarian, was born and raised in Romania .  He however considers himself to be a "universal being". 

His father, Juliu Sr. who has passed on, was a tailor and his mother, aged 94, is a housewife.

Juliu, being one of three children, participated as a young man in gymnastics and rowing as well as other sports.  At age 19 he became interested in classical dance and by the time he turned twenty he was dancing in principle roles with the Romanian State Opera. Juliu was noticed by someone in the New York City Opera and was hired.  He began

dancing for their tour company with international stars. Later, he danced as a guest artist at Radio City Music Hall in New York for some time and then got a job as principal dancer with the Houston Ballet.  While with the Houston Ballet, Juliu ruptured his Achilles Tendon and the injury brought his dancing career to a sudden, screeching halt.  After the injury Juliu started indulging himself in more yoga practice. 

In 1977 Juliu moved to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands where he built a simple dwelling in the mountains and continued an intensive study and practice of yoga.  During this diligent study of yoga he discovered the inner workings of the body and developed a system that he called "Yoga for Dancers", which is a deeper and more advanced level that is now called Gyrokinesis. 

Juliu returned to New York in the 1980's and began teaching his method at "Steps on Broadway" and in Central Park .  When he developed a large enough following he opened up his first studio.

Starting From “A”

Gyrokinesis sessions begin with self-massaging, tapping, & utilizing pressure points & techniques from head to toe, accompanied by correct breathing patterns in order to awaken the body.

The basic & initial level of Gyrokinesis is the Essentials of Body Kinetics, & is the soul of the methodology.

The method works the spine through seven basic realms of motion- forward, backward, right, left, twist to the right, twist to the left, & circular. Arching, bending, twisting & curling the spine into circular, spiral movements are key to the system.

Approaching “Z”

Having mastered the method, one is then ready for the next phase, Gyrotonics, which utilizes Gyrotonics equipment.

Watch this space next month for the low-down on this new system. Till then!

For a large variety of Workshop Classes, Pilates & Gyrotonics Hub Training & Gym Sessions, contact the writer’s Fitness Centre, Body Art, on 022 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.


By Nawaz Modi Singhania

On The Fitness Scene

Last month's article on Gyrokinesis (that is the mat version of Gyrotonics), has already set the tone for this one.

If your body is craving for the next big thing in fitness, and your mind and soul are in search of more, here's the next big wave— Gyrotonics (pronounced jy-ro-ton-ics), the most happening workout currently on the market.

Introducing Gyrotonics!

The system is gaining huge popularity worldwide as a totally new concept in exercise. Focusing on physical alignment & deep muscle control, Gyrotonics has the participant becoming fitter & healthier both in body & mind.

About 50 sets of exercises, with approximately 130 variations get one to bend, twist, stretch, spiral & turn muscles & the skeletal system with minimal effort, in a fluid, almost surreal manner.

According to the founder's methods, this is the way the body was constructed to move. Like Pilates, Gyrotonics emphasizes the placement and alignment of the body, and is about the quality of the movement, & not the quantity. The Gyrotonics system is often combined with the Pilates Method, but may be used independently.

Developing better breathing habits, the method clears toxins and revitalizes all the major systems in the body.

Gyrotonics emphasizes breath management, controlled resistance, & the development of strength & flexibility.

Benefits Of The System

It targets “core training”, the latest buzzword in workout lingo, which means the whole mid-section of the body, comprised of the abs & the lower back.

This three-dimensional system of exercise guarantees an increased range of motion, aerobic stimulation, neuromuscular rejuvenation, improved balance & better coordination.

The system even works wonders in rehab. Bone strength and density are increased, countering osteoporosis. Faulty ingrained posture is corrected, eradicating movements leading to pain and fatigue.

The Gyrotonic technique also works on energy level stimulation and strengthening the meridian flows of the body which helps to develop a powerful strength from within and an improved sense of well being. The system is used widely for therapeutic purposes as well as for general body conditioning or as part of a dance/sport specific training programme. Tension in the body is diminished & released. Specific breathing patterns timed correctly with each exercise help us to detoxify.

The system helps mobilize the spine and increase flexibility of the joints. Spatial awareness is improved. P rofound core body strength is quickly & easily developed.

Bone structures and ligaments are strengthened by working internally. It also promotes cardiovascular stimulation by raising the heart rate and keeping it there for a sustained period of time.

Equipment Utilized

Equipment the system uses include the Gyrotonics Tower / Handle machines, while using hand & foot operated wheel bases, wheels, levers & pulleys to create resistance.

To some, the equipment may look like the millennium version of a torture chamber, but actually in comparison to many other forms of exercise, it's a non-aggressive, relatively placid, but extremely effective form of exercise.

The hand crafted equipment allows total freedom of movement. It can be adjusted to suit any body weight, height, frame and level of strength. The even and constant resistance in the handle unit and pulleys completely eliminates any jarring or tension at the ends of the movements, unlike many other conventional exercise machines.

In Preparation

Start off with Gyrokinesis, which is virtually the floor-version of Gyrotonics. This is important as it helps the participant practice the moves, & understand the principles of the system, before attempting using the equipment, by providing a rehearsal effect, as it were.

Types Of Movements Engaged

Encouraging a complete range of circular motion, all major muscle groups are worked interdependently with corresponding breathing patterns. Adopting a

wide range of spherical movement which articulate and mobilize the joints, the system strengthens the body's core musculature.

Gyrotonics encourages a lot of movement in the spine, which is so fantastic. After all, there's nothing like a strong, mobile torso when carrying bags, lifting kids or simply getting out of a car! Particular attention is paid to increasing spinal flexibility, releasing tension in the upper body and improving co-ordination through movement.

Gyrotonics works major muscle groups in a very non-impact fashion, without bouncing or jumping. It demands sweeping, fluid, circular movements that promote strength and flexibility.

Who Should Participate

People of all ages, fitness levels, & from all walks of life, stand to gain from this method. Participants are encouraged to work entirely at their own level of fitness & at a comfortable pace.

Being a non-impact form of exercise, senior citizens too find great value from the methodology. A whole array of health problems can be controlled, & in many cases, reversed.


Developed by Juliu Horvath, a lead dancer in the world renowned Rumanian state Opera, in the late 1980's, this revolutionary system is based on moves from a variety of exercise forms such as yoga, ballet, swimming, dance, tai chi & gymnastics. Horvath has combined years of experience as a dancer and gymnast with his in depth knowledge of yoga and Chinese medicine.

Juliu, was sports-loving as a child & engaged in a variety of physical activities.  At age 19 he became interested in classical dance and by the time he turned twenty he was dancing in principle roles with the Romanian State Opera & later, the Houston Ballet.

While with the Houston Ballet, Juliu ruptured his Achilles Tendon and the injury brought his dancing career to a sudden, free-falling, dead halt.   

Determined to self-rehabilitate himself & move back into mainstream, in 1977 Juliu moved to the Virgin Islands where he started an intensive study and practice of yoga.  There he discovered the inner workings of the body and developed a system that he called "Yoga for Dancers", which is a deeper and more advanced level that is now called Gyrokinesis, the predecessor of Gyrotonics.

The Devil Lies In The Detail.

And here's how to get it right!

Gyrotonics is best done thrice a week. Initially it's fine to start with sessions of about 20 minutes, but as your body adapts to this, gradually work it up to an hour.

Always warm up & cool down adequately in order to ensure safety & maximum efficiency, & workout under supervision.

Wear comfortable exercise gear, which does not restrict your movements. Stick to cottons, while avoiding synthetic fabrics. Gyrotonics is done bare-foot, so no need to worry about foot wear.

So what are you waiting for? Get into gear, & get out there!

For a large variety of Workshop Classes, Pilates & Gyrotonics Hub Training & Gym Sessions, contact the writer’s Fitness Centre, Body Art, on 022 2380- 5929/ 2380- 2602.

Alter that Mirror Image!

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Isn't it ironical that on one hand there are millions on this planet who do not get enough to eat, & then there are others who grossly overeat their way through life? They zoom head-on into the dangers of obesity, which both dent the quality & thwart the life span of an individual.

Andy Rhine from California weighed all of 480 kgs when he died at the age of 35. He was found in his apartment on the couch, unable to walk anymore due to the tremendous weight of his own being. A crane had to be called for to lift him out of his apartment. He was transferred to hospital where he died, where his internal organs were crushed, as a result of his body weight. His tired heart could not cope anymore with having to pump blood to every nook & cranny of his gigantic body. It simply stopped beating.

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

- I CORINTHIANS 3: 16- 17

Obesity adversely affects one's social life, personal life, sex life & career. Fat persons are often the target of ridicule, fun & gossip among friends & in society.

Obesity is also the cause of numerous health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, some forms of cancer, diabetes & arthritis. In short, the plight of an obese person is truly pitiable.

The upside? None! Except that you do not have to live with obesity! The age-old combination of a well balanced, controlled diet & exercise can truly turn your life around.

Get Going!

"The human body was designed to walk, run or stop; it wasn't built for coasting."

- Cullen Hightower

Firstly, be honest with yourself. Recognize your problem areas, & observe your body type in order to figure out your goals.

Don't bother embarking on a programme until the burning desire to change for the better is really your own, not your mother's or your husband's. That'll never work.

Where's the Time?

Even when you're motivated, there's always the problem of time.

We all have to prioritize, & then shove exercise onto what seems like an already overburdened schedule.

The answer to your list of obstacles is always the same- you have to make it happen. Some ways of weaving it in could be using the stairs instead of taking the elevator, carrying your own books & bags, exercising during your lunch hour, stopping of at a Fitness Centre on your way to or from work, using the time when your child is in school, or allowing your in-laws to baby sit your child for an hour.

We have to remember, that a man who is too busy to take care of his health, is like a mechanic who is too busy to take care of his tools!

There's really no reason why exercise can't be a part of your life. Do it like your life depends on it, which, in a way it does!

From Here to There.

  • Get organized. Plan your work, & then work your plan. Combining a well balanced diet with regular exercise is your only long-term, effective & safe answer.
  • Eat smart! Did you know that it takes your brain 20 minutes to realize that your stomach is full? So, if you eat slowly, putting your fork down after each bite, taking your time to chew well, you'll feel full with having eaten less food! Eat till you're full, not stuffed! Most people don't know when to stop! Take in more fresh fruits & raw vegetables, & go easy on the refined sugar, aerated drinks & oil.
  • Combine aerobic activities like walking, jogging, swimming, dance exercise classes, stair climbing, etc, with resistance/ strength training activities, so that you both burn fat, & tone up.
  • Start with 3 times a week, & once you've adjusted to this, to speed up your progress you might want to slowly increase the frequency to 4 or 5 times a week. Don't however, workout more than 6 times a week. The body needs at least one day off per week to rest & repair itself.
  • Warm up & cool down, always! This goes a long way towards injury prevention. The warm up aims at gradually getting the heart, lungs & muscles ready for the rigors of exercise, & ought to include stretches for the back & lower limbs, limbering exercises & whole body moves. The cool down slowly brings the heart rate back down closer to pre-exercise levels, & stretches & relaxes the muscles that you have worked so hard. A series of whole body moves decreasing in their range of motion, & stretches will achieve the same.
  • Invest in a good pair of sneakers which will keep you light & sturdy on your feet. Your feet need adequate cushioning to minimize the harmful effects of impact-based activities such as running, jumping & rope skipping.
  • You should be reducing at the rate of 1"- 1.5" per month.Track your progress every 3- 4 weeks using a measure tape, &/ or a body fat monitor which will give you a reading of your body composition, that is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass.
  • Don't set over-ambitious targets, or have idealistic expectations of yourself, or you'll most likely end up disappointed. We all occasionally miss a class, & indulge in a cube of cheese. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you missed working out in the lunch break, walk home from work instead. If you binged on chocolates all evening, maybe you could stick to a smaller, lighter dinner to compensate it.
  • Notice when your clothes begin to fall looser & better, & when family & friends start commenting on how much fat you've lost! Be aware of seeing more muscle definition, where earlier there was none! Or when you start feeling more energetic & healthy than before. The benefits of exercise are really endless.

So get your act together, because if you don't watch your figure, you'll have more figure to watch!

Back Breaking

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

Most of the millions of people who are victims of lower back pain, continue to think that there must be a more specific way, perhaps even surgery, to cure them of their woes. They can't seem to accept the simple fact that exercise is the best, & the most potent medicine available to treat a back problem.

Exercise is almost invariably better for your back than anything else you can put onto or into your body!

The same can't be said of painkillers & anti-inflammatory medications, for instance, although these drugs are prescribed on a regular basis for those with back pain.

The fact is, as little as eight to ten minutes of exercise a day, for a couple of weeks, will bring about a striking degree of improvement for most people.

Prolonged bed rest is now recognized as the culprit for generating a host of other uninvited guests such as bone loss, blood clots in the legs & general weakness.

If you have consulted your doctor about your back problem, you may have received some exercise advice already. If not, it's a good idea to bring the subject up yourself.

Causes of back pain

The low back is a site of frequent problems caused by congenital abnormalities, poor posture, postural deviations, & poor body mechanics such as incorrect sitting & lifting postures. All of these conditions can be remedied through exercise.

Sudden violent twisting, extension or hyperextension movements may injure the ligaments & the muscles of the back. Lack of trunk flexibility & weak abdominal muscles also contribute to low back pain. Incorrect posture or faulty body mechanics put a tremendous strain on the muscles & ligaments of the low back. Lifting heavy objects wrongly- using the back instead of the legs- by not bending the legs but just bending over instead, is an example of poor body mechanics that must be corrected in order to maintain a healthy back. Back problems occur more frequently & become more severe with age.


Aside from the negative impact on your heart & lungs, smoking damages the disks of the spine too, through it's effect on the blood circulation. Nicotine & other components of cigarette smoke compromise the network of tiny blood vessels throughout the body that feed all the tissues, including the intervertebral disks.

Surveys have identified cigarette smoke as one of the major risk factors for back pain.


Like smoking, alcohol also restricts the blood vessels & can contribute to poor circulation around the disks. Moderate drinking contributes very little to disk degeneration, but alcohol abuse can lead to severe back consequences.

How exercise can help your back

Exercise both strengthens & stretches the four basic sets of muscles that support the spine.

The abdominal muscles are responsible for contributing towards good posture, in maintaining proper vertebral alignment, & thereby protecting the back. The abdominals assist the extensor muscles of the back, which run the length of the spine to maintain proper alignment of the vertebrae. Trunk flexibility must be emphasized to maintain maximum range of motion in the back. The hip & butt muscles help support & govern the position of your back while you sit, stand, walk around & even lie down.

As far as exercise goes, for back sufferers it is generally said that the slower, the better. Vigorous & jerky movements are self-defeating. It could be said- Any pain, no gain.

Make sure you do this with the advice of your medical practitioner.

It's best to work out, in conjunction with your doctor & physical trainer, the exercises that best suit your needs, depending on the location, type, severity & duration of your back pain. There may be certain restrictions imposed upon you by your personal medical history.

Stretching exercises will relieve spasms, pain & strain on the back. Strengthening exercises must be added once the acute symptoms of back pain have subsided.

Listen to your body. Don't risk injury by pushing through pain.

Your exercise choices should match your level of fitness, age, time schedule & comfort level.

Correct Positioning

The chair you sit in, the bed you sleep on, the position you sit, stand & walk in, all collectively affect the back. It's important to choose & assume the best positions for these & other daily activities.

As practice becomes habit, you won't have to think continuously about how you're sitting or holding your head. They will have become second nature to you!

Getting out of bed

Getting out of bed incorrectly can actually aggravate the back. To make the process easy on your back, sidle over to the edge of the bed, while lying on your side with your knees bent, facing the edge. If you're lying on your left side, place your right hand on the mattress in front of you, & in one fluid motion, push down with your right hand. Swing yourself upright while taking your legs off the bed & setting your feet on the floor. Now, keeping your back straight, stand up.


As your mother probably often told you, stand straight & don't slouch! Keep your stomach & butt tucked in, & the rest of your body will tend to follow suit & get in line. Your abdominals give the lower back adequate support when they are in this tucked-in position.

The importance of good posture can't be overemphasized as a way to speed up the recovery of lower back pain, & as a means of preventing future bouts.


More important than the chair you sit on, is the amount of time that you spend sitting. As sitting provides the maximum amount of back aggravation- more than standing or lying down- you might want to limit the amount of time you spend in this position. Whenever possible, try & take a break from your chair by standing up to stretch or walk around.

Common sitting habits that could cause you grief include slouching in your seat, leaning too far back, & crossing your legs. Instead, try resting your feet on a foot bar or a footstool, to help you sit tall & keep the pressure off the back of your thighs.

Your chair should give you a firm back & bottom support so as to avoid any strain or discomfort. Make sure your feet rest well on the floor while sitting, & your knees do not bend more than at right angles.

Chatting on the phone

The temptation to free your hands by cradling your phone between your shoulder & your ear, & leaving it there indefinitely, is almost too irresistible. However this way you can easily talk yourself into having a pain in the neck & even the upper back!


If you have a regular desk job, consider allowing yourself to assume a new position while working. Sitting for long periods of time can aggravate the back. Many people report that they can work more effectively on their feet.

If you use the PC a lot, then try to rearrange your workstation so that the monitor & papers/ files that you might be working out of are at eye level, to avoid straining the back & neck.


Reading while lying down in bed can strain your shoulders, neck & back. Reading is best done while sitting at a desk or in a comfortable armchair instead.


Many survey participants are most comfortable when their car seats are aligned so that their backs are at right angles with their thighs. This provides maximum driving comfort for most people. Also, keep the driver's seat as close as possible to the steering wheel. This will enable you to sit with your knees well aligned with your hips, & you do away with the strain that often comes from reaching out too far for the wheel. Using the armrest on the side of the door often helps.

When getting in & out of your car, make sure you avoid stretching your legs out too far or awkwardly twisting the body. When getting in, just turn your back to the seat so that you can sit straight down. Then bring your legs in & turn around to face forward. Similarly, when getting out, move to the edge of the seat, turn sideways, put your feet on the floor & stand straight up.


Sleeping on your stomach, though it's a position many people love, is the roughest on your back! If you can't break this habit, no matter how hard you try, then at least try to do without a pillow under your head. Put it under your stomach instead, in order to minimize the arching of your back.

Multiple studies have shown that even when people get back on their feet because of exercise, they tend to abandon the programme shortly after recovery, probably out of a sense of false security. They don't think they could ever be in the same compromising position again. Unfortunately, statistics proves them wrong. Dropping the exercise programme is an invitation for the pain & spasm to return; and it often returns with a vengeance.

Be smart, & play it safe.

Note: This article is not a substitute for medical advice! Your exercises must be chosen & tailored carefully, taking into account your back history, level of fitness, age, time schedule & comfort level. An "off-the-rack" exercise programme can't possibly suit you as well as a programme designed with your needs in mind. 

Workout At Home

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

In a busy, taxing metropolitan city, does one necessarily have to spend time & money to achieve quality of life? Excuses when it comes to avoiding a workout are all too easy- it's too hot; it's my birthday; I'm having a fat day; my gym clothes are still wet; fitness centres are exorbitant; I can always go tomorrow; I have too much reading to catch up on; I've got tones of errands to run; my exams are on so I have to study; I've got a headache….. The list really can be endless.

Today's article will show you how you can get past the above, & more, & still get what you want- an awesome, sleek, slim, sexy, strong & flexible body you've always craved for!

You don't need your gym clothes; you don't need to step out of the house in the heat; you don't need to spend all that money & time; you can read/ study/ cook/ supervise staff/ catch up with a buddy on the phone while working out. It just doesn't get better than this!

So how do you go about this? All you need is basic household furniture- a stool, a chair, a desk, & you're on your way.

A few basic exercises

Tricep Dips

The triceps, the muscles in the back of your upper arm, are a problem area for many women. Because of the way they sag down loosely, they are knick-named “bye-bye arms”. So here's what you do if you want to wave your bye-bye arms good-bye forever, & don't we all! Position yourself with your back against a small coffee table or even a chair seat. Keeping the hips close to but off the edge of your chosen piece of furniture, bend the arms at the elbows & allow your hips to dip down while breathing in, & while straightening the arms & lifting yourself back up, breathe out. Although you want to straighten the arms out when coming back up, make sure you never lock the elbow joint. To intensify your work, keep the legs straight out in front of you.

Focus point- Remember that it's only about the arms bending and straightening in the above exercise. Don't make the mistake of rocking the hips forward & back, or up & down instead.

Calf Raises

Many people have under-developed, badly shaped calves, & are naturally very self-conscious about them. If that's your problem too, this one's for you.

Standing straight, rise up onto your toes while breathing out, & lower back down while breathing in.

Focus Point- As you get stronger & start finding that you can overload, make sure that when lowering the heels, you still keep them off the floor. This intensifies your work. Make it a point to keep your legs totally straight throughout the exercise. Bending the knees takes the pressure off the calves.

Lunges- forward & backward

Ever worried about your lower body? Here's your magic pill! Lunges! Lunging forward targets mainly the quads, (front of the thighs). Lunging backward zeros in mainly on the glutes (the butt) & the hamstrings (the back of the upper legs). Go with alternating legs when you get started, but later, go with one leg at a time to intensify your work.

Focus Point- The wider & lower your lunge, the harder the exercise & the greater the result. Those with a knee problem should keep their lunges shallow & narrow, or then avoid the exercise. Keep the back straight when lunging, & always check to make sure that the leading leg is correctly aligned, as in the knee falls somewhere within the profile of your foot (& not beyond it, or to the left or right of it). This is vital in keeping the knee safe. Inhale as you lunge, & exhale as you come back up.


And the most desirable- rock-hard, flat abs are a non-negotiable must-have! Here's just how.

While sitting on the edge of a stool, keep both legs bent & apart from one another. Lean back all the way, half-way between sitting up & lying back. Remain frozen in this reclined position with your abs held inward for a slow count of 10, before sitting upright to relax for a few moments. Leaving the arms extended out by your side & parallel to the floor is the easiest option. As you get stronger & can take on more, bring the fists to your forehead, elbows bent & close together in front of you. To make the exercise even tougher, extend both arms straight up overhead.

This works the main abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominus, which is also nicknamed the “six pack”, as well trained abs resemble a six pack of beer. Sounds appealing, hmm?

To include the below belly abdominal group, get into the previously described position, & then get your right ankle up upon your left knee. Hold this position for a slow count of 10.

You can switch legs at a later stage. This targets both the main abdominal muscle (rectus abdominus) & the transverse abdominus which sits in the pelvic cavity.

Focus Points- Make sure the spine is rounded over & your chin is lowered close to the chest at all times. Never hold your breath at any time during this exercise. Breathe normally but deeply right through.

So get your act together, & get set to turn a few heads this season! J

Caution- Never embark on a fitness programme without first checking with your GP, & consulting a Fitness Professional.

Nawaz Modi Singhania of Body Art runs a fitness centre which includes Gym training, Workshop classes, a Pilates Hub, Personal training & more at Hughes Road, Mumbai. 
Tel- 2380 2602/ 5929

It’s A Mood Thing…

By Nawaz Modi Singhania

As urban life gets tougher, more competitive & increasingly stressful, finding a few, quick & easy physical exercises to elevate your mood, is the call of the day.

Here are some fast mood-lifters; do them anytime & anywhere. They may look rather carton-like, & so may I, but to your surprise you'll find that they have an instant reaction! And you really don't have to do any of them in public, in case you're worried about what your colleagues or peers might think of you!

You can do the following once or more times, depending on how you're feeling.

Exercises For Anger

The Silent Scream

While upping the volume on this one might be inappropriate, releasing your anger via making the actions of a scream, a silent one, will give you a surprisingly instant fix.

A Deep Breath

With your eyes open or shut, slowly take a deep breath in, & then release it just as slowly, drawing your awareness towards the breath, imagining giving vent to your anger on the out-breath. Gradually try & take longer on the out breath in comparison to the in breath.

Exercises For Depression

Smile/ Laugh

If you're feeling a bit blue, as we all know, laughter is the best medicine! Force that smile or laugh, & see how good you start to feel! Though initially pushed, the right emotion will certainly follow the action.


Need a quick pick-me-up? Cardio exercise is a fabulous mood-lifter! Walking (with or without weights) or light jogging are common forms. There are others too, like aerobic exercise, stair climbing, biking, rope skipping, etc. Take your pick.

Exercises For Boredom/ Wake Up Call


If you need a quick wake up call, push a yawn & see how alert & alive you immediately feel! Yawning is the body's natural way of bringing us back into focus.

Upward Stretch

Stretch upward & outward to shake yourself out of a spell of lethargy. If the body feels awake & alive, so will the mind.

Exercises For Stress

The Hair Pull

Stress starts in the mind & accumulates all over. Running your hands through various parts of your hair, clenching down & pulling upward, slightly straining the hair at the skull & holding this position for a moment or two, is extremely stress relieving. Work through the entire scalp in this way.

Forehead Tapping

Using the pads of your fore & middle fingers (not the bony tip or nails) firmly tap away on your forehead, covering the entire surface area. Feel the stress drain out of your face & skull like sand out of a bag.

Exercises For Restlessness/ Nervousness

Remember the times when your grandma used to tell you not to wave your knees, finger tap the table or pace up & down the room, calling them “bad habits”? Well, surprise, surprise! We do these things, even on an unconscious level, in order to release pent up nervous energy! Besides, they help further the cause of burning off a few extra calories. The human body does have it's own in-built wisdom which we need to lend a ear to more often. So feel entirely free to wave, tap & pace away!

Do these exercises whenever you're “in the mood”, & enjoy the difference!

Nawaz Modi Singhaniaof Body Art runs a fitness centre which includes Gym training, Workshop classes, a Pilates Hub, Personal training & more at Hughes Road, Mumbai. 
Tel- 2380 2602/ 5929